Viewing and updating user information

To view and update the user details:

  1. Go to Users (see Navigation). The list of users is displayed (see Viewing the list of users).
  2. Click the ID or name of the required user. The user details page is displayed with the following tabs:
  3. If it is necessary to update the user details:
    1. On the General tab, update the information available for editing.
    2. Click Update to save the changes.

User information

In the User information group::

  • ID — the unique identification number of the user.
  • Email — the user email that is used as the login.
  • Global status — the user status in the platform for all attached accounts: Active or Inactive.
  • First name, Middle name, and Last name — the full name of the user.


In the Agreements group — information about agreements accepted by the user. The group is displayed if the reseller activated acceptance of legal agreements for users of accounts (see General system settings).

  • Agree with Privacy Policy — if the Accepted checkbox is selected, the user accepted the Privacy Policy.

Additional information

In the Additional information group — information about the user based on custom attributes, if any (see Managing attributes).