Auto-generated pages

Storefront uses the following auto-generated pages:

The pages are generated automatically using the data from ActivePlatform and Vendor Portal about products and product categories, as well as the corresponding UI templates (see Managing information and auto-generated pages UI templates).

The URLs of the category and product pages are generated automatically as follows:

  1. The URL template:
    • A category page: /catalog/{product-category-name}
    • A product page: /product/{product-name}
      where {product-category-name} is the transformed name of a product category, and {product-name} is the transformed name of a product.
  2. The product category and product names are transformed as follows:
    1. Space characters are replaced with hyphens.

    2. For characters from non-Latin alphabets, transliteration to Latin is used.

    3. Uppercase letters are replaced by lowercase letters.

  3. If a product category or product name already exists within the ActivePlatform installation, the unique product category ID or product ID is added to the end of the subsequent page URLs.

    For example:

    In Storefront of reseller 1, the "KES для бизнеса" product (regardless of the ID) has the page URL like /product/kes-dlya-biznesa

    In Storefront of reseller 2, a product with the same "KES для бизнеса" name that has the ID equal to 23 will have the page URL like /product/kes-dlya-biznesa-23

  4. If a product category or product name is changed, the page URL is also changed.

The following operations with auto-generated pages are available in the Customer Store Control Panel: