Ordering subscriptions

Ordering subscriptions via the Operator Control Panel is used when a customer cannot order subscriptions via the Customer Control Panel. The ordered subscription will be linked with the customer's account.

Ordering a subscription via the Operator Control Panel has the following specifics:

  • The procedure includes steps with configuring a subscription and the final step — confirming the order.
  • On the subscription configuration steps, all prices are displayed in the plan currency (see Plan information). On the order confirmation step, all prices are displayed in the reseller currency (see Creating a reseller).
  • A manager can set the individual markup or individual prices for a subscription. An account that already has a subscription in any status except Deleted ordered by a manager at individual prices or markup can order another subscription to this plan, but only at the plan prices.
  • When a subscription is ordered within the Prepay model (see Creating an account class), a customer need to complete a payment linked to the order to start the subscription provisioning (see Managing payments).
  • When a subscription is ordered within the Postpay model, the provisioning starts immediately after the order confirmation. Payments for the subscription are created along with invoices (see Managing invoices) after each of the billing periods during which the subscription was used.
  • Depending on the service, the subscription ordering procedure may differ or include additional steps. See details in Services. Operator Guide (you need to be logged in).
  • Ordering a subscription to a plan for an application template, that is based on the Manual Provisioning plugin and has parameters applied to the resources (see Managing parameters of an application template), includes the additional step for specifying the sets of values of the parameters for every ordered unit of the resource.
  • After activating a subscription, taking into account the deletion settings in a service term (see Creating a service term), cancelling the subscription (see Deleting a subscription) and delayed closing of all charges (see Charges closing with Charge Closer) become available.
  • For any subscription, creating a delayed sales order is available — to postpone the order provisioning to an arbitrary date (see Delayed ordering a subscription).
  • For subscriptions with the Non-Recurring Subscription billing type, the expiration date of a sales order (see Viewing order details) is calculated using only the value set in the Cancel unpaid order in parameter of an account class (see Creating an account class) and the order creation date.
  • If any restrictions are imposed on the reseller or an account, and the selected product is not included in the list of exceptions, ordering a subscription is not available (see Managing the validation service). The corresponding message is displayed on the order confirmation page.

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