Individual currency rate for an order

An individual currency rate for an order may be required if a manager previously agreed with a customer upon purchase at a certain rate, but a different rate is already in effect for the reseller in the platform.

An individual currency rate can be used only if the plan currency differs from the reseller currency (see Editing general information about the plan and Viewing and updating reseller general information). It is applied only to this order. If the rates in an order and for the reseller differ more than 10%, a warning tip is displayed on the order confirmation page. 

  • To use the actual currency rate set by the reseller in the platform: 
    1. Make sure the Individual currency rate switch is turned Off.
    2. In the Currency rate field, check the actual rate for the plan currency (see Currency rates).

  • To use an individual currency rate for this order:
    1. Turn On the Individual currency rate switch. The Currency rate field becomes available for editing. Its default value is the actual rate for the plan currency (see Currency rates).
    2. In the Currency rate field, enter your currency rate with up to 4 decimal places.

      If you change the position of the Individual currency rate switch, the entered value in the Currency rate field will be cleared.