Viewing and updating product information
To view and update the product details:
- Go to Products (see Navigation). The list of products is displayed (see Viewing the list of products).
- Click the ID or name of the required product. The product details page is displayed.
The page includes the following tabs:- General — general information about the product.
- Plans — the list of product (see Viewing the list of product plans).
- Marketing — marketing information about the product.
- Manager Roles — the list of roles of the responsible managers of the product (see Managing roles of responsible managers).
- Responsible Managers — the list of responsible managers of the product (see Managing responsible managers).
- Log — the history of operations with the product (see Viewing an object log).
- If it is necessary to update the product details:
- Edit the product information. Changing the product information is similar to creating a new product (see Creating a product).
- Click Update.