Placeholders for the Payment and Guaranteed payment entities

The following placeholders are used for the Payment and Guaranteed payment entities.



payment.idThe payment ID


The payment method name
payment.document_numberThe payment number
payment.totalThe total amount of the payment
payment.total_in_wordsThe total amount of the payment in words
payment.created_atThe date and time of the payment creation
payment.expiration_dateThe payment due date (DD.MM.YYYY)
payment.days_leftThe number of days prior to the end of the payment expiration period
payment.statusThe current status of the payment
payment.status.wasThe previous status of the payment
payment.commentAdditional information about the payment

An iterator that allows displaying an array of subscriptions that are related to the payment

{% for subscription in payment.subscriptions %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ subscription.status }}</td>
{% endfor %}

subscription.idThe ID of the subscription from the array of the subscriptions related to the payment
subscription.nameThe name of the subscription from the array of the subscriptions related to the payment
subscription.statusThe status of the subscription from the array of the subscriptions related to the payment
payment.ordersThe list of the orders linked to the payment (separated by ";")

The list of the charges linked to the payment (separated by ";"): description, quantity, unit_price, unit_price_without_tax, discount_amount, discounted_unit_price_without_tax, amount_without_tax, period, tax_percent, amount, discount_ids

payment.order_charges.sizeThe number of charges in a PDF receipt

The list of the grouped charges linked to the payment (separated by ";" parameters are set for the first charge in a group if not specified otherwise): id; name; description; unit_price (price); amount (specified as the total amount for a group); duration (period); discount_ids; discount_amount (specified as the total amount for a group); quantity (specified as the total amount for a group); operate_from; operate_to; type; plan_id; plan_resource_id; unit_price_without_tax; discounted_unit_price_without_tax; amount_without_tax (specified as the total amount for a group); unit_price_with_discount; tax_percent.

Charges are grouped if have the following identical parameters:

  • reseller_id
  • account_id
  • subscription_id
  • resource_id
  • operate_from
  • operate_to
  • duration
  • unit_price
  • status
  • type
  • taxes_amount
  • discount_id
  • original_amount_currency
  • currency_rate
  • currency_unit
payment.grouped_order_charges.sizeThe number of grouped charges in a PDF receipt
payment.linkThe link to the Payments section of the Customer Control Panel filtered by the payment number (for example, https://{{domain}}/accounts/{{account_id}}/payments?document_id=AP000000834)

The link to the payment in the Customer Control Panel

payment.downloadableBoolean; whether the link to the payment is available
payment.receipt_urlThe link to the receipt

The set of the custom attributes of the payment (see Managing attributes, where item is the key of the attribute


The value of the attributes of the plan resource where item is the key of the attribute


The start date of the period of the postpaid Invoice linked to the payment (DD.MM.YYYY)

payment.invoice_to_dateThe end date of the period of the postpaid Invoice linked to the payment (DD.MM.YYYY)
payment.invoice_document_numberThe invoice number linked to the payment

An iterator that allows displaying an array of third-party invoices linked to the payment (see Managing invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system)

{% for external_invoice in payment.external_invoices_data %}
{% endfor %}

A third-party invoice can be represented as a link or a file:

Third-party invoice file name from the link

Link to a third-party invoice

Third-party invoice file name

Third-party invoice file in the base64 encoding

Guaranteed payment

guaranteed_payment.idThe guaranteed payment ID
guaranteed_payment.statusThe status of the guaranteed payment
guaranteed_payment.totalThe total amount of the guaranteed payment
guaranteed_payment.expiration_dateThe date and time of the guaranteed payment
guaranteed_payment.days_leftThe number of days before the expiration date of the guaranteed payment