Version 8.3-8.4. Release date 28 May 2024

New features and enhancements:

Implemented the standard reports for pay-as-you-go subscriptions in the Customer Control Panel

In the new “Analytics > Reports” subsection, users can download a report for one or all pay-as-you-go subscriptions. The report includes consumption data with daily granularity for a closed billing period. New reports do not require setting up filters, have fixed sets of fields depending on the service, and, therefore, they are more accessible and generated faster than existing detailed reports. (CR-2388)

Improved the "Analytics" section in the Customer Control Panel

Information on expenses presented in diagrams, tables, and detailed reports has been moved to the “Analytics > Expense Analysis” subsection. The ability to save sets of additional filters as templates has been added for pay-as-you-go subscriptions. The logic and displaying of filters and their values have been improved. Protection against multiple clicks by blocking elements while data is being received has been added. The structure of the report with daily analytics has been aligned with the “Summary” table, taking into account the applied filters. (CR-2413)

Added display of upgrade-to products in the Customer Control Panel

If a reseller has set up switchable plans across different products and enabled the widget to be displayed to their customers, the main page of the Customer Control Panel and the detail page of an active subscription display the "Upgrade your subscription" widget with a list of products recommended for switching the subscription plan. Each product is displayed as a card, allowing customers to create an immediate switch plan order. The switching order configuration page has also been improved. The display of cards on the step of choosing a plan has been unified with the catalog, and a filter by product has been added. (CR-2366)

Implemented management of the "Add-on" attribute in plans and its display in the Customer Control Panel's catalog

If a plan is an addition to services and a customer must have a subscription to the main plan to order it, managers can mark it as an “Add-on” and add links to the prerequisite plans. In the current version, adding the “Add-on” attribute and links with prerequisite plans is used only for filtering and visually highlighting add-on plans in the Customer Control Panel's catalog, but does not impose additional restrictions on ordering subscriptions in the platform. (CR-2224)

Added the ability to revoke approval for a postpaid invoice with external management

Managers can revoke approval for a postpaid invoice managed by a third-party ERP system. Revoking approval is used when they need to correct a third-party invoice. It returns the invoice, payment, and linked subscriptions to their original state, removes the third-party invoice information, and makes approval available for the invoice again. Previously, this could only be done by calling tech support. (CR-2136)

Implemented the ability to manage the availability of changing the resource quantity in commercial subscriptions

A new setting in the service terms allows a reseller to block changing the resource quantity in commercial subscriptions. Permissions are set individually for increasing and reducing and applied simultaneously to the Operator Control Panel and the Customer Control Panel. Changing the resource quantity in commercial subscriptions remains allowed by default, and, as it was earlier, any restrictions for a given subscription are defined by its status, plan configuration, and terms on the vendor side. Previously, a related setting was implemented for trial subscriptions. (CR-2432)

Extended integration with Microsoft services

  • The Microsoft NCE plan updater has been improved to set the "Public" attribute for plans according to the basic reseller settings file. The target value of the attribute is set in the file for each service term in the correspondence matrix. (CR-2451)
  • When migrating Microsoft NCE subscriptions, the sales order closing date is now set. Its absence caused the inability to cancel a subscription in the Customer Control Panel after renewal. (CR-2333, SAP-20134)

Improved integration with Acronis

  • The generation of a unique login for the tenant administrator on the Acronis side has been implemented using the account ID, subscription ID, and the account owner's email in the platform. (CR-2203, SAP-19323)
  • Handling of error messages received from Acronis has been improved. (CR-2204)
  • The account owner's email in the platform is used as the tenant's contact email on the Acronis side. (CR-2396, SAP-20716)

Improved payment gateway integration

The ability to use the payment number or its ID in the platform as a payment identifier has been added to the microservice settings. Its value is displayed to a customer on the payment page and is also used to match a paid invoice with the payment in the platform. The ability to select an identifier in the settings allows the preservation of existing integrations and the support of new ones, particularly with NetSuite. (CR-2410)

Implemented the next stage of the initiative "Access level builder in the Operator Control Panel"

The support for access levels has been added to the following sections of the Operator Control Panel:

  • Connectors
  • TLDs
  • Domain Registrars
  • Certificate Resellers
  • Microsoft Integration Settings
  • Vendor Integration Settings
  • Microsoft Plans Updater
  • UI templates
  • Attribute Categories
  • Attributes
  • Customer Control Panel
  • Logotypes
  • Event Handlers
  • Notification Templates
  • Notification Categories. (CR-2305, CR-2306, CR-2307)

Improved user experience in the platform

In the Customer Control Panel:

  • The tooltip about the unavailability of subscription resource quantity changes now includes the reasons for this restriction. For example, the subscription type and status, the billing type of the plan, and the presence of pending orders are considered. (CR-2261)
  • On the main page, in the "Trending now" widget, the "Popular" tab is displayed by default rather than "Trial period". (CR-2525)
  • When editing a sales order, the user is redirected to the order configuration page with a preset plan. (CR-2529)
  • The ability to close modal windows while operations are being performed and data is being received has been excluded. (CR-2529)
  • The logic for counting failed login attempts to display a message about the temporary block of a user has been improved. (CR-2513)
  • The behavior has been restored when, in a payment card using the "Postpay" model with external management, the amount received from the external system after confirming the invoice is displayed only in currency units, as in other payments. Previously, a currency code was added to the external amount. (CR-2453)
  • The display of language names in the language switching menu, considering the current language, has been improved, as well as the country name in account information. (CR-2094)
  • The display of information about applied taxes has been improved considering additional requirements for localization. (CR-2464, SAP-21197)
  • In order reports, information about charges has been extended. A description of every charge is now placed in a separate line rather than separated by commas. Also, information about the ordered quantity and unit price of a resource, the covered period, and amount of every charge in an order have been added. (CR-2426)

In the Operator Control Panel:

  • Details about the account's current personal manager have been added to the payment information. Assigning the responsible manager when creating a payment manually is no longer used. (CR-2422)

  • The step names in the Microsoft service order indicator have been unified. (CR-1809)

In the Reseller Store, the resource quantity change error message has been extended with information about the reason. (CR-2382)

General improvements:

  • The support for resellers' domain names in Punycode transcription and internationalized domain names (IDN) in non-Latin script or alphabet has been added. (CR-2381)
  • The support for data filters has been added for links to the "Analytics" section of the Customer Control Panel, which are used in notification templates. They allow customers to go from a notification directly to analytics of a specific subscription for a specified period with the selected granularity. (CR-2521)
  • The support for a placeholder to display the plan name for a subscription has been added to a manual operation notification. (CR-2496, SAP-21418)
  • The texts for errors in creating and updating a customer on the Microsoft side have been unified. In the Operator Control Panel, they have also been extended with a link to Microsoft documentation with a description of error codes. (CR-2504, SAP-21480)
  • For notifications with a report on subscription consumption over the past period, the support for negative values has been added to display refunds by resource and resource category. (CR-2086)
  • Various technical improvements have been implemented. (CR-2530, AB-39612, AB-40241, AB-40643, AB-40745, AB-40748, AB-40892, AB-40948, AB-41111)

Extended API

The API v3 methods to get payment information now return the ID of the account's current personal manager. (CR-2422)

A new API v3 method has been implemented to revoke approval for a postpaid invoice with external management. (CR-2136)

New methods of the internal API have been implemented, and several existing ones have been improved. (CR-2094, CR-2224, CR-2388, CR-2413, CR-2426, CR-2453)

Fixed issues

The following issues have been fixed: AB-40765 (SAP-21894), AB-40878 (SAP-21951), AB-40983 (SAP-22057), AB-40998 (SAP-22058).