Microsoft Azure Plan. Invoices

Issuing invoices for Microsoft Azure Plan subscriptions has the following specifics:

  1. Depending on the account, a separate invoice for every subscription or a single invoice for all subscriptions with the same payment model can be issued.
  2. The total consumption of additional resources (Azure RI, third-party, and Azure Savings Plan) for all your Microsoft Azure Plan subscriptions is counted within one of them.
  3. Invoices are issued with a delay of about a week after a billing day, which is set to the first day of the month for all Microsoft Azure Plan subscriptions. The delay is caused by waiting for the final consumption data from Microsoft. Approximately one more day is required for the platform to process the data. For more information about draft and final charges, see Microsoft Azure Plan. Analytics.
  4. Refunds on the Microsoft side are considered in the platform as follows:
    1. The final charge amount is reduced considering the negative values of the main consumption.
    2. For additional resources (Azure RI, third-party, and Azure Savings Plan), a charge with a negative amount is generated for every refund.
    3. The final amount of an invoice may become less than or equal to 0 due to the total amount of the negative charges.
    4. For a prepaid subscription, refunds increase the account balance by transactions.
    5. For a postpaid subscription, a payment is not created if the final amount of an invoice is less than or equal to 0. Refunds of the negative amount of a postpaid invoice are performed outside the platform.