Create correction

The Create correction method is used for generating a correction for the specified account and including it in an invoice. 1C can use this method to automate the accounting of payments cancelled in the platform or paid from the account balance (see also Update correction status). A correction can be generated for the current reseller or any of its downstream resellers.

An API token of a manager is required for authorization. To get an API token via the Operator Control Panel, see Viewing and updating manager's information

The manager's API token specified in an API request determines:

  • The role and access level of the manager, which determine the availability of a method.
  • The current reseller and downstream resellers accessible within a method.

POST {base_url}/api/v3/resellers/{reseller_id}/corrections
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "account_id" : {account_id},
            "included_invoice" : {included_invoice},
            "subscription_id" : {subscription_id},
            "period_from" : "{period_from}",
            "period_to" : "{period_to}",
            "total" : "{total}",
            "comment" : "{comment}"



Parameter Type

Data type

Required/ Optional


X-Api-TokenheaderstringRequiredAPI token of a manager that performs the operation (see Viewing and updating manager's information)
Content-TypeheaderstringRequiredMedia type of the request. Specify the following: application/vnd.api+json

Supported media types of the answer. Specify the following: application/vnd.api+json

base_urlpathstringRequiredActivePlatform URL
reseller_idpathintegerRequiredID of the current reseller or any of its downstream resellers (see Viewing and updating reseller general information)
dataformobjectRequiredInformation about the attributes of the operation

attributesformobjectRequiredAttributes of the operation

account_idformintegerRequiredID of an account for which the correction is applied


Indicates whether the correction should be included in an invoice:

  • true — the correction should be included in an invoice.
  • false — the correction should not be included in an invoice.

subscription_idformintegerOptionalID of a subscription for which the correction is applied. Required if included_invoice = true


The start date of a period for which the correction is applied (YYYY-MM-DD). Required if included_invoice = true

This period is used only to inform an account and does not affect how an invoice is selected for the correction. A correction is always included in an invoice linked to the billing period in which a manager approved it.

period_toformstringOptionalThe finish date of a period for which the correction is applied (YYYY-MM-DD). Required if included_invoice = true


Correction amount:

  • For a postpaid subscription, a positive correction amount increases the current debt for the subscription, while a negative correction amount decreases it.
  • Otherwise, a positive correction amount increases the account balance, while a negative correction amount decreases it.

commentformstringOptionalComment by the manager

Response model

If no errors are encountered, the method returns data as the information about the created correction with the 201 Created status.


Data type


dataobjectResponse data



Correction ID

typestringData type

attributesobjectCorrection information


stringDate and time of the correction creation


stringDate and time of the correction update


integerID of an account for which the correction is applied

manager_idintegerID of a manager who created the correction


stringCurrent status of the correction:
  • approval_required — the correction is created but not processed.
  • approved — the correction is approved.
  • declined — the correction is declined.


stringCorrection amount


Indicates whether the correction should be included in an invoice:

  • true — the correction should be included in an invoice.
  • false — the correction should not be included in an invoice.

subscription_idintegerID of a subscription for which the correction is applied if included_invoice = true


stringThe start date of a period for which the correction is applied (YYYY-MM-DD) if included_invoice = true


stringThe finish date of a period for which the correction is applied (YYYY-MM-DD) if included_invoice = true

stringComment by the manager


stringDate of the correction approval (YYYY-MM-DD)

Request example

POST /api/v3/resellers/1/corrections
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
X-Api-Token: vY5fwetestK3gJXZH5uHCw
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "account_id" : 710,
            "included_invoice" : true,
            "subscription_id" : 3008954,
            "period_from" : "2021-12-01",
            "period_to" : "2021-12-31",
            "total" : "100.25",
            "comment" : "top-up payment"

Response example

    "data": {
        "id": "738",
        "type": "corrections",
        "attributes": {
            "created_at": "2021-08-10T12:18:42.721974+0300",
            "updated_at": "2021-08-10T12:18:42.721974+0300",
            "account_id": 710,
            "manager_id": 225,
            "status": "approval_required",
            "total": "100.25",
            "included_invoice": true,
            "subscription_id": 3008954,
            "period_from": "2021-12-01",
            "period_to": "2021-12-31",
            "comment": "top-up payment",
            "approved_at": null