Get closing document
The Get closing document method is used for getting information about a closing document of an account of the current reseller or any of its downstream resellers.
An API token of a manager is required for authorization. To get an API token via the Operator Control Panel, see Viewing and updating manager's information.
The manager's API token specified in an API request determines:
- The role and access level of the manager, which determine the availability of a method.
- The current reseller and downstream resellers accessible within a method.
GET {base_url}/api/v3/resellers/{reseller_id}/accounts/{account_id}/external_invoices?filter[key]=key
Name | Parameter Type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description |
X-Api-Token | header | string | Required | API token of a manager that performs the operation (see Viewing and updating manager's information) |
Content-Type | header | string | Required | Media type of the request. Specify the following: application/vnd.api+json |
Accept | header | string | Required | Supported media types of the answer. Specify the following: application/vnd.api+json |
base_url | path | string | Required | ActivePlatform URL |
reseller_id | path | number | Required | ID of the current reseller or any of its downstream resellers (see Viewing and updating reseller general information) |
account_id | path | number | Required | Account ID |
key | query | string | Required | Closing document GUID in a third-party ERP system |
Response model
Name | Data type | Description | ||||
data | object | Response data | ||||
id | string | Closing document ID in the platform | ||||
type | string | Data type | ||||
attributes | object | Closing document information | ||||
created_at | string | Date and time of closing document creation | ||||
updated_at | string | Data and time of closing document last update | ||||
key | string | Closing document GUID in a third-party ERP system | ||||
name | string | Closing document name | ||||
amount | object | Information about the amount and currency of the closing document in a third-party ERP system | ||||
total | string | The amount of the closing document in a third-party ERP system. The value can be less than or equal to 0. Example: 123.45 | ||||
currency | string | The ISO code of the currency of the closing document in a third-party ERP system | ||||
start_date | string | Start date of the billing period for which the closing document is issued (YYYY-MM-DD) | ||||
end_date | string | End date of the billing period for which the closing document is issued (YYYY-MM-DD) | ||||
file | string | Closing document in the base64 encoding | ||||
type | string | Closing document type:
Request example
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
X-Api-Token: vY5fwetestK3gJXZH5uHCw
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
Response example
"data": {
"id": "11",
"type": "external_invoices",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-10-18T13:45:38.333297+0300",
"updated_at": "2019-10-18T13:45:38.333297+0300",
"key": "0493e78a-e8ef-11e9-81b4-2a2ae2dbcce4",
"name": "New invoice",
"amount": {
"total": "123.45",
"currency": "EUR"
"start_date": "2019-09-01",
"end_date": "2019-10-01",
"file": "data:application/pdf;base64,SSBob2xkIHRoZSBwb3NpdGlvbiBvZiBhIHFhIGVuZ2luZWVyLiBRQSBlbmdp\nbmVlciByZXNwb25zaWJpbGl0aWVzIGluY2x1ZGUgZGVzaWduaW5nIGFuZCBp\nbXBsZW1lbnRpbmcgdGVzdHMsIGRlYnVnZ2luZyBhbmQgZGVmaW5pbmcgY29y\ncmVjdGl2ZSBhY3Rpb25zLiBJIGFsc28gcmV2aWV3IHN5c3RlbSByZXF1aXJl\nbWVudHMgYW5kIHRyYWNrIHF1YWxpdHkgYXNzdXJhbmNlIG1ldHJpY3MgKGUu\nZy4gZGVmZWN0IGRlbnNpdGllcyBhbmQgb3BlbiBkZWZlY3QgY291bnRzLikg\nVGhlIFFBIHRlY2huaWNpYW4gcm9sZSBwbGF5cyBhbiBpbXBvcnRhbnQgcGFy\ndCBpbiBvdXIgY29tcGFueeKAmXMgcHJvZHVjdCBkZXZlbG9wbWVudCBwcm9j\nZXNzLg==\n",
"type": "invoice"