Analyzing Costs

For analyzing costs for all Subscriptions of an Account, use the Subscription Analytics section. The Subscription Analytics section includes information about Subscription costs with the following numbers:

  • The cost structure for the selected period.
  • The growth rate of costs per month.
  • The contribution of Resources for Subscription costs.

In the Subscription Analytics section, all costs are displayed in the Reseller currency regardless of the Plan currency of Subscriptions.

For postpaid Subscriptions with prices fixed in a currency that differs from the Reseller currency, costs in the current Billing period may be changed. Recalculation of the costs is performed if the Reseller updates the currency exchange rate (see Screen Layout).

In this article:

Viewing overall analytics for Subscriptions

To view overall analytics for Subscriptions:

  1. Sign in to the Customer Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Analytics. The Subscription Analytics page is displayed with the data for the period set by default.

    For the cost structure for all Subscriptions of an Account, only the Monthly granularity is available. For every Subscription, the displayed data is collected from daily consumption statistics for an individual period limited by the corresponding Billing days.

    For example, an Account has two Subscriptions: for the Microsoft Azure service, the Billing day = 1, and for the Microsoft 365 service, [the Billing day = 5. In this case, the displayed data for the 6 billing periods includes the following different periods: for the Microsoft Azure service 01.01.2020 – 30.06.2020, and for the Microsoft 365 — 05.01.2020 – 04.07.2020.

  3. In the Period list, select the period for the displayed data:

    • 3 billing periods.
    • 6 billing periods.
    • 12 billing periods.
    • Custom billing period — the period of up to 12 consequent Billing periods limited by the Billing days.

      To select a custom billing period:

      1. In the Period field, click the dates range. The calendar with the list of months is displayed.
      2. Click the first month of the required period. The selected month is highlighted.
      3. Click the last month of the required period. The months within the period are highlighted.
      4. In the calendar, click OK. In the Period field, the dates of the selected billing period are displayed as "First month YYYY - Last month YYYY".

When the period is selected, the data will be loaded and displayed automatically. It may take a few moments.

The cost structure for all Subscriptions of the Account is displayed in the following sections:

  • General cost structure — a doughnut chart where each segment shows the proportional value of costs per Subscription. The segments have labels with the component names and percentage values.

    To view the cost of a Subscription, hover the mouse pointer over the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. The tooltip with the name and cost with up to two decimal places is displayed.

    A Subscription may not be displayed in the diagram if its cost is less that 1% of the total cost.

    To filter the data by a Subscription:

    1. Click the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. The context menu is displayed.
    2. In the context menu, select Filter by subscription.
      As as a result:
      • The other sectors of the General cost structure chart become faded.

      • The Cost structure chart and the Summary table display the data for the selected Subscription only.

    To reset filtering by a Subscription:

    1. Click the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. The context menu is displayed.
    2. In the context menu, select Cancel filter.
  • Cost Dynamics — the cost of all Subscriptions for the two previous Billing periods and the percentage of the growth rate.

  • Monthly cost structure — a stacked bar chart that displays the monthly dynamics of costs per Subscription for the selected period.

    To view the costs for a certain month, hover the mouse pointer over the corresponding column of the Monthly cost structure chart. The tooltip with the total cost and the costs per every Subscription with up to two decimal places is displayed.

    To exclude a Subscription from the Monthly cost structure chart, click its name in the chart legend. As as the result, the Monthly cost structure chart is updated and does not display the excluded Subscription.

    To view the consumed data for only one Subscription in the Monthly cost structure chart, you can use filtering in the General cost structure chart (see above).

  • Summary — a table of costs per Subscription for the selected period.

    For the Monthly granularity, the Summary table includes the following columns:

    • Name  the description of the Subscription.
    • Year-month — the costs for the Subscription per month.
    • Total — the total costs for the Subscription for the selected period.

    The table supports the sorting of the rows by every column. By default, the Total column is used for descending sorting.

    The Name column also supports filtering by the partial-match searching. To filter the table rows, in the Search by name field, enter the search key and click .

    Depending on the available data, the rows of the table can have the following grouping levels:

    1. Resource category.
    2. Resource.

    By default, the levels are collapsed. To expand a level, click  in the required row.

    The sum of costs for a Subscription is displayed in the Total column, the sum of costs of all Subscription for a month is displayed in the Total row. At the intersection of the Total row and column, the grand total of costs for the selected period is displayed.

    To view the data in the table for more than 6 months, use the horizontal scrolling.

Viewing analytics for a Subscription

Analytics for a Subscription is also available at the Analytics section of the Subscription page (see Viewing Charges for a Subscription).

To view analytics for a Subscription, on the Subscription Analytics page with data for all Subscriptions (see Viewing overall analytics for Subscriptions) complete one of the following steps:

  • Select the required Subscription in the filter:
    1. Click  Show filters. The Subscriptions filter is displayed.
    2. In the Subscriptions filter list, select the required Subscription.
  • Select the required Subscription in the doughnut chart:
    1. In the General cost structure doughnut chart, click the sector that represents the required Subscription. The context menu is displayed.
    2. In the context menu, select Go to subscription analytics.

When the Subscription is selected, the data will be loaded and displayed automatically. Depending on the Subscription, the following elements may become available:

  • In the Granularity list — the Daily option. Only for Subscriptions to Services that use the external storage for the Resource consumption data (for example, Microsoft Azure, see "Microsoft Azure" service).
  • Resource Category  an additional data filter under the  Show filters. Only for Subscriptions that have this information in consumption statistics.

The cost structure for the selected Subscription of the Account is displayed in the following sections:

Resource categories are displayed if only the consumption data includes this information. Otherwise, only the Resources data is available.

  • General cost structure — a doughnut chart where each segment shows the proportional value of costs per Resource (Resource category). The segments have labels with the component names and percentage values.

    To view the cost of a Resource (Resource category), hover the mouse pointer over the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. The tooltip with the name and cost with up to two decimal places is displayed.

    A Resource (Resource category) may not be displayed in the diagram if its cost is less that 1% of the total cost.

    To filter the data by a Resource category:

    1. Click the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. The context menu is displayed.
    2. In the context menu, select Filter by resource category.
      As as a result:
      • The other sectors of the General cost structure chart become faded.

      • The Cost structure chart and the Summary table display the data for the selected Resource category only.

    To reset filtering by a Resource category:

    1. Click the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. The context menu is displayed.
    2. In the context menu, select Cancel filter.

    To filter the data by a Resource, click the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. To reset filtering by a Resource, click the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart one more time.

  • Cost Dynamics — the cost of the selected Subscription for the two previous Billing periods and the percentage of the growth rate.

  • Cost structure — a stacked bar chart that displays the dynamics of costs per Resource (Resource categoryfor the selected period with the Daily or Monthly granularity.

    To view the costs for a certain month or day, hover the mouse pointer over the corresponding column of the Cost structure chart. The tooltip with the total cost and the costs per every Resource (Resource category) with up to two decimal places is displayed.

    To exclude a Resource (Resource category) from the Cost structure chart, click its name in the chart legend. As as the result, the Cost structure chart is updated and does not display the excluded Resource (Resource category).

    To view the consumed data for only one Resource (Resource category) in the Cost structure chart, you can use filtering in the General cost structure chart (see above).

  • Summary — a table of costs per Resource (Resource categoryfor the selected period.

    For the Monthly granularity, the Summary table includes the following columns:

    • Name  the description of the Resource (Resource category).
    • Year-month — the costs for the Resource (Resource category) per month.
    • Total — the total costs for the Resource (Resource category) for the selected period.

    The table supports the sorting of the rows by every column. By default, the Total column is used for descending sorting.

    The Name column also supports filtering by the partial-match searching. To filter the table rows, in the Search by name field, enter the search key and click .

    For Resource categories, in the rows, data is grouped by Resources and the rows are collapsed by default. To view information about Resources, click  in the required row.

    The sum of costs for a Resource (Resource category) is displayed in the Total column, the sum of costs of all Resources (Resource categories) for a month is displayed in the Total row. At the intersection of the Total row and column, the grand total of costs for the Subscription for the selected period is displayed.

    To view the data in the table for more than 6 months, use the horizontal scrolling.

    Data per Resource category is available only for Subscriptions that have this information in consumption statistics. Otherwise, data per Resource is displayed.

Viewing analytics for a Resource category

Viewing analytics for a Resource category of a Subscription is available only for Subscriptions that have this information in consumption statistics.

To view analytics for a Resource category of the required Subscription, on the Subscription Analytics page with data for the required Subscription (see Viewing analytics for a Subscription) complete one of the following steps:

  • Select the required Resource category in the filter:
    1. Click  Show filters. The Resource Category filter is displayed.
    2. In the Resource Category filter list, select the required Resource category.
  • Select the required Resource category in the doughnut chart:
    1. In the General cost structure doughnut chart, click the sector that represents the required Resource category. The context menu is displayed.
    2. In the context menu, select Go to resource category analytics.

When the Resource category is selected, the data will be loaded and displayed automatically.

The cost structure for the selected Resource category of the Subscription is displayed in the following sections:

  • General cost structure — a doughnut chart where each segment shows the proportional value of costs per Resource. The segments have labels with the component names and percentage values.

    To view the cost of a Resource, hover the mouse pointer over the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. The tooltip with the name and cost with up to two decimal places is displayed.

    A Resource may not be displayed in the diagram if its cost is less that 1% of the total cost.

    To filter the data by a Resource, click the corresponding sector of the General cost structure chart. As as a result:

      • The other sectors of the General cost structure chart become faded.

      • The Cost structure chart and the Summary table display the data for the selected Resource only.

    To reset filtering, click the selected sector of the General cost structure chart one more time.

  • Cost Dynamics — the cost of the selected Resource category of the Subscription for the two previous Billing periods and the percentage of the growth rate.

  • Cost structure — a stacked bar chart that displays the dynamics of costs per Resource for the selected period with the Daily or Monthly granularity.

    To view the costs for a certain month or day, hover the mouse pointer over the corresponding column of the Cost structure chart. The tooltip with the total cost and the costs per every Resource with up to two decimal places is displayed.

    To exclude a Resource from the Cost structure chart, click its name in the chart legend. As as the result, the Cost structure chart is updated and does not display the excluded Resource.

    To view the consumed data for only one Resource in the Cost structure chart, you can use filtering in the General cost structure chart (see above).

  • Summary — a table of costs per Resource for the selected period.

    For the Monthly granularity, the Summary table includes the following columns:

    • Name  the description of the Resource.
    • Year-month — the costs for the Resource per month.
    • Total — the total costs for the Resource for the selected period.

    The table supports the sorting of the rows by every column. By default, the Total column is used for descending sorting.

    The Name column also supports filtering by the partial-match searching. To filter the table rows, in the Search by name field, enter the search key and click .

    The sum of costs for a Resource is displayed in the Total column, the sum of costs of all Resources for a month is displayed in the Total row. At the intersection of the Total row and column, the grand total of costs for the Resource category for the selected period is displayed.

    To view the data in the table for more than 6 months, use the horizontal scrolling.

Viewing daily analytics for a Subscription for the selected period

Viewing daily analytics is available only for Subscriptions to Services that use the external storage for the Resource consumption data (for example, Microsoft Azure, see "Microsoft Azure" service).

To view daily analytics for a Subscription for the selected period, on the Subscription Analytics page with data for the required Subscription (see Viewing analytics for a Subscription) complete one of the following steps:

  • Select the required period in the filters:
    1. In the Granularity list, select Daily.
    2. In the Period list, select the required period for the displayed data.
  • Select the required period in the stacked bar chart:
    1. In the Cost structure stacked bar chart, click the bar that represents the required period. The context menu is displayed.
    2. In the context menu, select Go to analytics about selected period.

When the period is selected, the data will be loaded and displayed automatically.

Optionally, configure the additional data filters:

  1. Click Show filters. The group of filters available for the Service is displayed.
  2. Select the required parameters. The data will be updated automatically.

    To select the required tag of Resources:

    1. Click Tags of resources. The values of available tags are displayed grouped by the tag names. Start typing the name of a tag to filter the list.
    2. Click the required tags.
    3. Repeat the steps to select all the required tags.

    To clear a selected tag, click  next to its name. To clear all selected tags, click in the row with the tags.

    To clear all filters and set the default view, click Reset all.

    The Show filters button is not available if the consumption data does not include any additional information for filtering.

The cost structure for the selected Subscription of the Account is displayed in the following sections:

  • General cost structure — a doughnut chart where each segment shows the proportional value of costs per Resource (Resource category). The segments have labels with the component names and percentage values.
  • Cost Dynamics — the cost of the selected Subscription for the two previous Billing periods and the percentage of the growth rate.

  • Daily Cost structure — a stacked bar chart that displays the dynamics of costs per Resource (Resource category) for the selected period with the Daily granularity.

    For the instructions on how to use the General cost structure doughnut chart and Cost structure stacked bar chart, see Viewing daily analytics for a Subscription for the selected period.

    For Services that use the external storage for the Resource consumption data, the delay in the data availability may cause the difference between the date of the factual consumption of a Resource and date when the platform processed the data. As a result, a portion of the consumption data for the previous Billing period will be included in the next Billing period.

    To make this situation more clear, in the Daily cost structure chart, for the Current billing period and Previous billing period options, the tooltips are displayed for the earliest date of the factual consumption and date of the selected Billing period. The corresponding message with the explanation is also displayed on the top of the page.

  • Summary — a table of costs per Resource (Resource category) for the selected period.

    For the Daily granularity, the Summary table includes the following columns:

    • Name  the description of the Resource (Resource category).
    • Quantity — the total number of units of the Resource (Resource category) that was used.
    • Unit the unit of measure of the Resource (Resource category).
    • Price — the Resource (Resource category) price per unit.
    • Total — the total costs for the Resource (Resource category) for the selected period.

    If any data filters are applied, additional columns with the filter names are displayed in the table.

    The table supports the sorting of the rows by every column. By default, the Total column is used for descending sorting.

    The Name column also supports filtering by the partial-match searching. To filter the table rows, in the Search by name field, enter the search key and click .

    For Resource categories, in the rows, data is grouped by Resources and the rows are collapsed by default. To view information about Resources, click  in the required row.

    The sum of costs for a component is displayed in the Total column. In the Total row, the grand total of costs for the selected period is displayed.

    For the page navigation, the following elements are available:

    • The number of rows displayed per page.
    • The previous and next page buttons.

    For the Daily granularity, in the Summary table, it possible to download the displayed data with the applied filters as a report.

    To download the report:

    1. Click Export.
    2. In the appeared menu, select the preferred file format:
      • Microsoft Excel (.XLSX)
      • CSV

      The file in the selected format is downloaded automatically.