Configuring Notifications

ActivePlatform sends notification emails when certain events occur. Complete the following steps to manage notification events:

  1. Log in to the Customer Control Panel.
  2. Click Profile button  on the Top Toolbar.
  3. Click Notification categories link in the Account Menu. The Workspace displays the list of the notification categories that can be managed. If the current User is linked to several Accounts, you must choose the required Account before managing the Notification settings.

  4. Set the switch to Off for the Notification Category which should not be sent to the user.
  5. You can change the available balance threshold in the Account balance notifications field. When your account balance drops below this threshold, an email is sent to the specified addresses, reminding you to top-up your account.

    If the switch is not available for changing, this notification type is not available for sending.

    You can get access to the Notification Settings page using the button on the Companies page (see Viewing the List of Accounts).