Adding a Parameter to the Application Template

To add a parameter to the Application Template:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Products > Application Template on the Navigation Bar. The Workspace displays the List of Services (see Viewing List of Services).
  3. Click the ID or Name link for the necessary Application Template. You see the details page of the application template.
  4. Click the Parameters tab.

  5. Click the Create button on the Toolbar. The New Service Parameter page displays on the screen.

  6. Type the name of the parameter in the Name field.
  7. Select the value type of parameter in the Value type.
  8. Enter a format of the parameter in the Format field.
  9. Enter a default value of the parameter in the Default field.
  10. Enter a min and max length of the parameter in the Min length and Max length field.
  11. Type a placeholder for the parameter in the Placeholder field.
  12. Set the Optional checkbox if the parameter is optional.
  13. In the Key field, enter a key that is used to refer to the element by API or placeholder (see Using Placeholders for Event Handlers).
  14. Enter additional information in the Description field.