Splitting of Charges when a Subscription Plan was switched
For the most of the Billing types, the switching of a Plan (see Switching a Plan) causes the following:
- Deleting of Charges for the current Billing period of the Service usage, together with all other existent Charges of the same type for the future periods.
- Deleting of Charges for the current Billing period of the Resource usage, together with all other existent Charges of the same type for the future periods.
- Creation and closing of a Charge for the actual period of Application (Resource) usage in current Billing period.
- Creation and refund of a Charge for unused period of additional Resource consumption in current Billing period.
- Release of funds that were blocked by Charges for the unused period of Application usage in current Billing period without the creation of the Charges for a refund.
- Creation of Charges for the new Plan.
In the context of Charges deleting, the Plan switching is a combination of two operations:
- Deleting of all Subscription Resources (see Splitting of Charges when an amount of Subscription Resources is reduced).
- Deleting of the Subscription (see Splitting of Charges when a Subscription is deleted).