Managing Account statuses

An Account can have one of the following Account statuses:

Comparison of the possible Account statuses is displayed on the following table.

Account status


Credit hold

Administrative hold


User access rights.

Users have full access to the Customer Control Panel according to the current role.

Users save the access to the Customer Control Panel for this Account: The Users can perform the following operations:

  • view Transactions and top-up the Account Balance;
  • order non-trial Subscriptions;
  • view Charges;
  • get access to the Services (Subscriptions with the Active and Graced statuses) using the Entry Points.

At the same time, Users cannot manage existing Subscriptions regardless their statuses (renewing, stopping, changing the Plan, upgrading or downgrading resources).

If User is attached to several Accounts, one of which was financially blocked, the Credit hold status for this Account is displayed on the Accounts page in the Customer Control Panel.

Users lose the access to the Customer Control Panel for this Account:

  • If User is attached only to one Account, after an attempt to login to the Customer Control Panel, the following message is displayed: "Company is blocked. You are not allowed to perform any actions for this company. Contact administrator for the further information.".
  • If User is attached to several Accounts, one of which was automatically blocked, the Administrative hold status for this Account is displayed on the Accounts page in the Customer Control Panel.

Users lose the access to the Customer Control Panel for this Account:

  • If User is attached only to one Account, after an attempt to login to the Customer Control Panel, the following message is displayed: "Company is deleted.".
  • If User is attached to several Accounts, one of which was automatically blocked, the Deleted status for this Account is displayed on the Accounts page in the Customer Control Panel.

Conditions for moving to the status

Automatically or manually according to the blocking type.

Automatically according conditions that were configured by Operator.

Manual blocking, which is performed by Operator.

Manual deleting, which is performed by Operator.

Actions and restrictions for moving to this status

A new Account can only be created in the Active status.
The Account can get the Active status only from the following statuses: Credit hold or Administrative hold.

An Account can get the Credit hold status only from the Active status.

An Account can get the Administrative hold status only from the following statuses: Active or Credit hold.

An Account can only be deleted by Operator.
An Account can get the Deleted status from the following statuses:

  • Active
  • Credit hold
  • Administrative hold.