Creating a Condition of the Discounts

To create a Condition to the Discount:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Operations > Products > Discounts. The Workspace displays the List of Discounts (see Viewing the List of Discounts).
  3. Select the Discount on the Condition type, by clicking on the link in the ID or Name column.
  4. Go to the Conditions tab. The Workspace displays the list of added Conditions (see Viewing Conditions of the Discount).
  5. On the Toolbar click the Create button.

  6. In the Target Plan group, select the Plan and Plan Period, for which the Discount will be applied, if a Customer orders the Plan selected in the Condition group.
  7. In the Condition group select the Plan and Plan Period, which a Customer must order to get the Discount for the Plan that was selected in Target Plan group.
  8. Click Create. The new Condition will be displayed on the list of added conditions (see Viewing Conditions of the Discount).