Viewing the List of delegated Plans

To view the List of Plans delegated to a Reseller:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Operations > Operations > Resellers. The Workspace displays the List of Resellers (see Viewing the List of Resellers).
  3. Click the Name link of the required Reseller. The page with the detailed information about the selected Reseller appears (see Viewing and updating Reseller general information).
  4. Click the Delegated Plans tab. The List of delegated Plans appears.

The Workspace displays the following blocks:

  • Top bar (for more information see Working with the List of Objects).
  • List of Plans with the following columns:
    • ID — a unique identification number of a Plan.
    • Plan Name — a name of the delegated Plan.
    • Parent Plan ID — ID of a Plan that was delegated by an Operator (upline Reseller).
    • Parent Plan Name — name of a Plan that was delegated by an Operator (upline Reseller).
    • Status — the Plan status:
      • active — the Plan is available for customers.
      • inactive — the Plan is not available for customers.
      • deactivated by provider — the Plan was deactivated by upline Reseller.