Delegating Plans to the Reseller

The Plans delegation is used to organize the process of the Services reselling.

Before the creation of the Plans, you should add Plan categories (see Managing Plan Categories), Plan Classes (see Managing Plan Classes), Products categories, and Products (see Products), which will be used for these Plans (see Managing Plans).

If a Plan is delegated to a downline Resellers, the Plan Class is assigned to that Plan as has been set by the Operator (upline Reseller). The Switchable Plans that are connected to the Plan are not delegated (see Managing Switchable Plans).

Only Plans with the Active status can be delegated and only to the Resellers at one level below the current Reseller (Operator).

The following entities are delegated together with the Plan:

  • Plan Category:
    • if a downline Reseller doesn't have the Plan Category with the same key (see Viewing the List of Plan Categories) as delegated Plan Category, then the new Plan Category is created for the downline Reseller with an empty Description field, and with the same name and the same key and as delegated Plan Category;
    • if a downline Reseller has the Plan Category with the same key as delegated Plan Category, then the delegated Plan will be attributed to already existing Plan Category of the downline Reseller.
  • Product and Product Category:
    • if the Product and Products Category were not created previously when delegating another Plan, then:
      • The same Product and Products Category as the upline Reseller has are created for the Plan.
      • The Product of downline Reselller is unpublished by default.
      • The same relation between the Products category, Product and the Plan as the upline Reseller has is set between the downline Reseller entities.
    • if the Product and Product Category were created previously when delegating another Plan, then the delegated Plan is linked to an existing Product.
    • if several Plans that are related to a single Product are delegated to a downline Reseller, then only one Product and one Products category are created.

Reseller can delegate a delegated Plan to its downline Resellers.

To delegate a Plan to a Reseller:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Operations > Operations > Resellers. The Workspace displays the List of Resellers (see Viewing the List of Resellers).
  3. Click the Name link of the required Reseller. The page with the detailed information about the selected Reseller appears (see Viewing and updating Reseller general information).
  4. Click the Delegated Plans tab. The Workspace displays the List of delegated Plans (see Viewing the List of delegated Plans)

  5. Click the Delegate button on the Toolbar of the Delegated Plans tab.
  6. Select the Plans you need to delegate on the Delegate Plans page.

    You can search for the required Plans by:

    • Plan name.
    • Product.
    • Products Category.

    You can sort Plans list by:

    • ID.
    • Plan name.
    • Product.
    • Products category.
    • Description.

  7. Click Add. The updated List of delegated Plans is displayed on the Reseller's page.