Purchasing a Subscription at the individual prices

When the individual prices are set, the existing discounts and promo-codes are not applied to the Order. The Promo code field is hidden on the Order confirmation page.

Individual prices are actual within the whole Subscription period except when the Renew Order or the Switch Order was created for the Subscription.

Purchasing a Subscription at the individual prices is similar to the ordering of a Subscription at the Plan prices (see Purchasing a Subscription at the Plan prices), except for the following aspects:

  1. Set the Individual price switch to the On position at the page with the PlanPlan periodSubscription, and Resources information. As a result, in the Subscription and the Resources tables:
    1. The Plan price and the Individual price columns appear instead of the Price column.
    2. The Plan price column displays the price that is set in the Plan and the currency, in which the Plan price is given.
    3. The Individual price column contains the field, in which the individual price can be entered. The Plan price value is set in the field by default.

  2. Set the individual prices for the required fees in the Individual price columns of the Subscription and the Resources table. The values in the Amount columns and in the Total block are recalculated automatically.

    The individual prices can't be set for the Renewal fee (one-time), Transfer fee (one-time), Overuse fee (one-time).

The other steps of the Subscription ordering at the individual prices are same as when ordering it at the Plan prices.