Cancelling a Payment

Payments for Balance topping up to pay for rendered services, which are related to Invoices for the Postpay charging model, cannot be canceled (see Payment for rendered Services, Viewing details of the Invoice for the Postpay charging model).

If the Payment is related to an Order (see Managing Payments), the Order will get the Canceled status too.

Only the Payments with the Waiting for payment status can be canceled.

To manually cancel a Payment:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Payments (see Navigation). The list of Payments is displayed (see Viewing the list of Payments).
  3. Click ID or Name of the Payment to be canceled. The Payment page is displayed.

  4. Click Cancel Payment on the Toolbar.
  5. Click Confirm in the pop-up window. The Payment will be cancelled.