Processing a Payment that requires manual receipt creation

When the bank transfer or cash Payment method was selected to complete the Payment in Operator Control Panel (see Creating a Payment manually) or Customer Control Panel (see Проведение Платежа):

  1. An Account owner receives instructions on payment process and a Notification about manual creation of the Receipt.

    To send Notifications (see Notification Configuration) that the Receipt has to be created manually:

    1. Create a Notification Template, which defines the Notification text (see Managing Notification Templates);
    2. Create and configure an Event Handler, which will be triggered by an Event and will send notifications (see Managing Event Handlers).
  2. Manager receives information on the Account, for which the Receipt has to be created.
  3. The Payment receive the Receipt creating status.
  4. Manager creates the Receipt manually and sends it to the Account owner.
  5. Then Manager changes the Payment status to Receipt sent (see Changing the Payment status to Receipt sent).
  6. Account owner receives the Receipt and pays.
  7. Manager receives the payment confirmation and completes the Payment (see Confirming that the manually created Receipt has been paid).