Placeholders for the Subscription Resource entity

The following Placeholders are used for the Subscription Resource entity in Notification Templates for the following Events:

  • Before subscription expiration
  • After subscription expiration
  • After subscription switched from trial to no-trial
  • Subscription changed
  • Subscription credit limit changed
  • Subscription credit limit is approaching
  • VSP resources changed
  • VSP subscription created
  • Billing day is coming

  • Billing day has come

The list of Resources of a Subscription sorted by the Resource priority:

{% for resource in subscription.resources %} <div>Name: {{ }}</div> <div>Unit_of_measure: {{ resource.unit_of_measure }}</div> <div>Included: {{ resource.included }}</div> <div>Minimum: {{ resource.minimum }}</div> <div>Additional: {{ resource.additional }}</div> <div>Used: {{ resource.used }}</div> <div>Limit: {{ resource.limit }}</div> <div>Public: {{ resource.visible }}</div> {% endfor %}

The amount of the main Resource of a Subscription: see Placeholders for the Subscription entity

resource.nameResource name
resource.unit_of_measureUnits of measure of the Resource: Unit or Boolean
resource.includedAmount of the Resource included in the Subscription
resource.minimumMinimum amount of the Resource available for ordering
resource.additionalAdditional amount of the Resource ordered for the Subscription
resource.usedUsed amount of the Resource with the Measurable = Yes parameter (equal to 0 if not applicable)
resource.limitMaximum amount of the Resource available for ordering
resource.visibleValue of the Public parameter of the Resource: true or false

For the Manual Operation Event, information about a Resource for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin can be added using the Placeholders listed in the Placeholders used in Notification Templates for specific Event Handlers article.