Placeholders used in Notification Templates for specific Event Handlers

The table lists the Placeholders that can be used in Notification Templates only for specific Event Handlers (see Creating an Event Handler):

Event HandlerPlaceholderDescription
Account changedaccount.human_status_nameCurrent status of the Account
Password reset requesttokenUnique security code used for authentication
User invitationinviter.short_nameName of a User that has sent the invitation
invite_urlLink that allows the invited person to go to Customer Control Panel
Verify emailconfirmation_urlLink for confirmation of an email that was specified during registration in Customer Control Panel
Manager password reset

Name of the Manager, who requested the password resetting

hostURL of the Reseller installation, the Manager of which requested the password resetting
After subscription expirationDAYS_PASSEDNumber of days passed after the Subscription has expired

Displays information about a Subscription with the specified payment model:

  • If subscription.payment_model == 'prepay', displays information about a prepaid Subscription only.

Only subscription.payment_model == 'prepay' is supported since the Event itself is implemented for the Prepay model only.

Upload CSP price csp_price_file.accepted_atDate when the new base prices for Microsoft Office 365 Plans were applied
After subscription switched from trial to non-trialsubscription.payment_model

Displays information about a Subscription with the specified payment model:

  • If subscription.payment_model == 'postpay', displays information about a postpaid Subscription only.
  • If subscription.payment_model == 'prepay', displays information about a prepaid Subscription only.
Subscription changedsubscription['notification_settings']['office365']['password']Automatically generated password to the Microsoft Office 365 control panel, which is sent to customer after the first order of Microsoft Azure or Microsoft Office 365 Subscription
subscription['notification_settings']['office365']['login']Customer login to Microsoft Office 365 control panel
subscription.responsible_managers_by_product_id[PRODUCT_ID]['KEY_MANAGER_ROLE']['email']Email of a Responsible Manager (см. Managing Responsible Managers) by the Product ID and Manager Role key
subscription.responsible_managers_by_product_id[PRODUCT_ID]['KEY_MANAGER_ROLE']['name']Name of a Responsible Manager (см. Managing Responsible Managers) by the Product ID and Manager Role key

Displays information about a Subscription with the specified payment model:

  • If subscription.payment_model == 'postpay', displays information about a postpaid Subscription only.
  • If subscription.payment_model == 'prepay', displays information about a prepaid Subscription only.
Net cost has been changed

Total amount of Plans, for which the net cost has been changed
Date and time of net cost changing in Plans
plans[].nameNames of Plans, for which the net cost has been changed
plans[].idIDs of Plans, for which the net cost has been changed
plans[].linkLinks to Plans, for which the net cost has been changed
price_list.linkLink to Price list section
Payment due date is comingpayment.days_leftNumber of days prior to the end of the Payment expiration period
payment.idPayment ID
payment.totalTotal amount of Payment for the Invoice including discount and Corrections (see Viewing details of the Invoice for the Postpay charging model)
payment.expiration_datePayment due date
payment.created_atPayment creation date
payment.statusPayment current status
payment.commentAdditional information about the Payment

Iterator that allows to display an array of Subscriptions that are related to the Payment

{% for subscription in payment.subscriptions %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ subscription.status }}</td>
{% endfor %}

subscription.idID of the Subscription from the array of the Subscriptions related to the Payment (see Paying for the Subscriptions that are linked to the Invoice for the Postpay charging model). It is used along with the payment.subscriptions iterator (see the example above)
subscription.nameName of the Subscription from the array of the Subscriptions related to the Payment. It is used along with the payment.subscriptions iterator (see the example above)
subscription.statusStatus of the Subscription from the array of the Subscriptions related to the Payment. It is used along with the payment.subscriptions iterator (see the example above)

Start date of the period of the postpaid Invoice linked to the Payment (DD.MM.YYYY)

payment.invoice_to_dateEnd date of the period of the postpaid Invoice linked to the Payment (DD.MM.YYYY)

Link to the Payments section of the Customer Control Payment filtered by the Payment number (for example, https://{{domain}}/accounts/{{account_id}}/payments?document_id=AP000000834)

payment.invoice_document_numberInvoice number linked to the Payment
Billing day has comeprevious_billing_period_start_dayThe start day of the previous Billing period with respect to the Billing period for which the Event is occurred (DD.MM.YYYY)
previous_billing_period_end_dayThe end day of the previous Billing period with respect to the Billing period for which the Event is occurred (DD.MM.YYYY)
manager_accountsAccounts of the Manager
manager_accounts[].idAccount ID
manager_accounts[].primary_nameAccount primary name
manager_accounts[].type_keyAccount type key
manager_accounts[].class_keyAccount class key
manager_accounts[].balanceAccount Balance

Value of the Financial blocking threshold that is set in the Account class or redefined on the Account level

manager_accounts[].subscriptions[]Subscriptions of the Account
manager_accounts[].subscriptions[].idSubscription ID
manager_accounts[].subscriptions[].nameSubscription name
manager_accounts[].subscriptions[].payment_modelPayment model: prepay or postpay

Postpaid Subscription parameters (payment_model = postpay).

  • "credit_limit" — the Subscription credit limit
  • "current_debt" — the Current debt for the Subscription.

(see Viewing and updating Subscription's details)


Plan Category key that is used for the check whether the Account has non-deleted Subscriptions within the specified Plan Category

The amount of closed Charges for the Subscription for the previous Billing period
Before subscription expirationpayment.linkLink to the Customer Control Panel, the Payment section, with the prefilled Payment number filter for the Payment related to the Order
billing_day_dateThe date of the billing day when the Event occurs
account.balanceAccount balance
account.idAccount ID
account.nameAccount name
subscription.nameSubscription name

Displays information about a Subscription with the specified payment model:

  • If subscription.payment_model == 'postpay', displays information about a postpaid Subscription only.
  • If subscription.payment_model == 'prepay', displays information about a prepaid Subscription only.
Order createdpayment.linkLink to the Customer Control Panel, the Payment section, with the prefilled Payment number filter for the Payment related to the Order
billing_day_dateDate of the Billing day when the Event occurs
account.balanceAccount balance
account.idAccount ID
account.nameAccount name
subscription.nameSubscription name
Billing day is comingnext_billing_period_start_dayThe first day of the next Billing period with reference to the Billing day triggered the Event
next_billing_period_end_dayThe last day of the next Billing period with reference to the Billing day triggered the Event
The Invoice was approvedinvoice.attached.nameFile name of the third-party invoice attached to a Payment for a postpaid Invoice with external management (see Managing Invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system)
invoice.attached.urlLink to the file of the third-party invoice attached to a Payment for a postpaid Invoice with external management
invoice.document_numberNumber of the third-party invoice attached to a Payment for a postpaid Invoice with external management
invoice.due_dateDue date set for a Payment after approving the linked postpaid Invoice with external management
Manual Operationmanual_operation.linkLink to the Manual Operation
shopping_cart_item.plan_idPlan ID in the Order that requires approve (see Ordering a postpaid Subscription to a commercial period)
shopping_cart_item.plan_namePlan name in the Order that requires approve
shopping_cart_item.period_idPlan period ID in the Order that requires approve
shopping_cart_item.period_duration_valuePlan period duration in the Order that requires approve
shopping_cart_item.period_duration_typePlan period duration type in the Order that requires approve (year, month, day)
Total amount of the Order displayed on the confirmation page. The Placeholder supports displaying the Reseller currency {{ | format_as_currency }}
  • The name of a Resource in the Sales Order for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin
  • The current name of a Resource in the Subscription for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin
  • The amount of a Resource in the Sales Order for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin
  • The current amount of a Resource in the Subscription for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin

The name of a Resource in the Change Order for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin


The operation type for a Resource in the Change Order for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin:

  • ProvisioningItem::Upgrade — increasing the amount of the Resource
  • ProvisioningItem::Downgrade — decreasing the amount of the Resource
  • The difference between the current and new amount of a Resource in the Change Order for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin
  • The name of the additional attribute of the Subscription (the name of the Parameter of the Application Template applied to the Application) for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin
  • The name of the additional attribute of a Resource (the name of the Parameter of the Application Template applied to a Resource) for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin

For the specifics of Parameters of an Application Template based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin, see Managing Parameters of an Application Template.

param.resource_nameThe name of a Resource that has an additional attribute (a Parameter of the Application Template applied to a Resource) for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin
  • The value of the additional attribute of the Subscription (the value of the Parameter of the Application Template applied to the Application) for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin
  • The value of the additional attribute of a Resource (the value of the Parameter of the Application Template applied to a Resource) for a Service based on the Manual Provisioning Plugin
Postpay payment created

account.idAccount ID
account.nameAccount name


including {{ account.balance | format_as_currency }}

Account balance


including {{ billing_day_date | format_as_date:'long' }}

The date of the billing day when the Event occurs
payment.linkLink to the Payments section of the Customer Control Payment filtered by the Payment number (for example, https://{{domain}}/accounts/{{account_id}}/payments?document_id=AP000000834)
payment.idPayment ID
payment.totalTotal amount of Payment for the Invoice including discount and Corrections (see Viewing details of the Invoice for the Postpay charging model)
payment.statusPayment current status
payment.created_atPayment creation date
payment.expiration_datePayment due date
payment.commentAdditional information about the Payment
payment.document_numberPayment number
payment.days_leftNumber of days prior to the end of the Payment expiration period

Iterator that allows to display an array of Subscriptions that are related to the Payment

{% for subscription in payment.subscriptions %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ subscription.status }}</td>
{% endfor %}

subscription.idID of the Subscription from the array of the Subscriptions related to the Payment (see Paying for the Subscriptions that are linked to the Invoice for the Postpay charging model). It is used along with the payment.subscriptions iterator (see the example above)

subscription.nameName of the Subscription from the array of the Subscriptions related to the Payment. It is used along with the payment.subscriptions iterator (see the example above)

subscription.statusStatus of the Subscription from the array of the Subscriptions related to the Payment. It is used along with the payment.subscriptions iterator (see the example above)
payment.invoice_from_dateStart date of the period of the postpaid Invoice linked to the Payment
payment.invoice_to_dateEnd date of the period of the postpaid Invoice linked to the Payment
Payment has been receivedpayment.invoice_document_numberInvoice number linked to the Payment