Regenerating a Manager's API token
API tokens are unique keys used for authorization in the API service (see ActivePlatform. Reseller API Reference Guide).
An API token is the personal token of a Manager. Other Managers do not have access to the API token; its value is masked in the Log. On the Manager's details page, the API token information group is displayed only for a Manager signed in to the Operator Control Panel.
To generate a new API token:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- On the Navigation Bar, go to Managers (see Navigation). The list of Managers is displayed (see Viewing the List of Managers).
- Click the ID or Name link for the required Manager. The Manager's details page is displayed (see Viewing and updating Manager's information).
On the Manager's details page, on the Toolbar, click Regenerate Token.
The current token will be cancelled. Applications using the current token will lose access to the API service.
- In the confirmation window, click Confirm. The new API token will be displayed on the Manager's details page.