Placeholders for the Account entity

The following placeholders are used for the Account entity.

account.idThe account ID

The account type ID (see Account types)

account.type_keyThe account type key
account.default_payment_method_idThe ID of a payment method set as a default for the specified account type
account.class_idThe account class ID (see Account classes)
account.class_keyThe account class key

The value of the financial blocking threshold of an account (see Creating an account class)

account.financial_blocking_threshold_with_currencyFinancial blocking threshold of an account with the currency units
account.subscription_credit_limitThe value of the subscription credit limit of an account
account.subscription_credit_limit_with_currencyThe subscription credit limit of an account with the currency units
account.balanceThe current value of the account balance
account.balance_with_currencyThe current value of the account balance with the currency units. For example, $12.00
account.statusThe account status
account.human_status_nameThe displayed name of the account status
account.nameThe account full name (or the company name, if a customer is a legal entity)
account.first_nameThe first name of the contract person
account.middle_nameThe middle name of the contract person
account.last_nameThe last name of the contract person
account.streetThe account address: street
account.buildingThe account address: building
account.officeThe account address: office

The account address: a two-letter ISO code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of the country

account.country_nameThe account address: the full name of the country
account.cityThe account address: a city
account.zipThe account address: a zip-code
account.phoneThe phone number of an account
account.custom_attributesCustom attributes of an account (see Managing attributes)
account.bill_user_idThe ID of the user responsible for the financial matters

The email of the user responsible for the financial matters

account.bill_user_nameThe full name of the user responsible for the financial matters
account.bill_user_first_nameThe first name of the user responsible for the financial matters
account.bill_user_middle_nameThe middle name of the user responsible for the financial matters
account.bill_user_last_nameThe last name of the user responsible for the financial matters

The ID of the user responsible for the technical matters


The email of the user responsible for the technical matters


The full name of the user responsible for the technical matters


The first name of the user responsible for the technical matters


The middle name of the user responsible for the technical matters


The last name of the user responsible for the technical matters

account.has_managerIndicates whether an account is linked to a manager
account.manager.idThe ID of the account's manager
account.manager.statusThe status of the account's manager
account.manager.nameThe name of the account's manager
account.manager.emailThe email of the account's manager
account.owner_reset_password_urlA one-time link to set the Owner's password for an account
account.admins_emailsThe list of emails of all users with the Administrator access level for an account (see Managing users) and the Active status for an account (see Deactivating a user)
account.users_emailsThe list of emails of all users with the User access level for the account (see Managing users) and the Active status for an account (see Deactivating a user)
account.finance_managers_emailsThe list of emails of all users with the Finance manager access level for the account (see Managing users) and the Active status for the account (see Deactivating a user)
account.has_endless_non_trial_subscriptionsIndicates whether an account has at least one commercial subscription with the endless period