Viewing and updating the Domain Registrar's details

To view and update the Domain Registrar's details:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar go to Domain Registrars (see Navigation). The list of Domain Registrars is displayed (see Viewing the List of Domain Registrars).
  3. Click the ID or Name link for the necessary Registrar. The Domain Registrar's page is displayed.

    You can edit the following Domain Registrar settings:
    • Name — a name of the Domain Registrar.
    • Additional Settings — the set of the fields depends on the Domain plugin, which was selected previously. For example, the following field must be filled if the OpenSRS plugin was selected in the Plugin list:
      • Serve — a URL for connecting to the Domain Registrar server;
      • User name and Key — credentials to get access to the Domain Registrar server.

  4. Click Update to save changes.