Placeholders for the Subscription Resource entity

The following placeholders are used for the Subscription Resource entity in notification templates for the following events:

  • Before subscription expiration
  • After subscription expiration
  • After subscription switched from trial to no-trial
  • Subscription changed
  • Subscription credit limit changed
  • Subscription credit limit is approaching
  • VSP resources changed
  • VSP subscription created
  • Billing day is coming

  • Billing day for manager's subscriptions has come (former Billing day has come)

  • Order created, Order changed, Resend the order.

The list of resources of a subscription sorted by the resource priority:

      <td>Unit of measure</td>
    {% for resource in subscription.resources %}
      <td>{{ }}</td>
      <td>{{ resource.unit_of_measure }}</td>
      <td>{{ resource.included }}</td>
      <td>{{ resource.minimum }}</td>
      <td>{{ resource.additional }}</td>
      <td>{{ resource.used }}</td>
      <td>{{ resource.limit }}</td>
      <td>{{ resource.visible }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
resource.nameThe resource name
resource.unit_of_measureThe units of measure of a resource: Unit or Boolean
resource.includedThe quantity of a resource included in a subscription
resource.minimumThe minimum quantity of a resource available for ordering
resource.additionalThe additional quantity of a resource ordered for a subscription
resource.usedThe used amount of a resource with Measurable = Yes (0 if not applicable)
resource.limitThe maximum quantity of a resource available for ordering
resource.visibleThe value of the Public parameter of a resource: true or false