Viewing Order's Details
To view Order's details:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- Click Operations > Operations > Orders on the Navigation Bar. The Workspace displays the List of Orders (see Viewing the List of Orders).
- Click the ID or Order Number link of the order. You see the order details page that consists of following tabs:
- General — an order information, provisioning items and the list of charges. Also, you can type a note in the Notes field (see Adding Notes);
- Event Log — a history of operations with the order (see Viewing the Event Log).
The General tab consists the following groups of elements:
- Order information:
- ID — the unique identification number of order in the system;
- Document number — a number of the order (e.g. SO000329), which is configured in the System settings (see System Settings).
- Order Date — a date and time of the order creation.
- Payment - a number of the payment. You can use this link to see the payment details (see Viewing Payment's details);
- Expiration date - a date, by which the order must be paid (the order status must be Confirmed). The date is calculated using the Grace period, which is set in the Plan Class page (see Creating a Plan Class);
- Order Type — one of the following types of order:
- Sales Order — a customer has ordered services;
- Renewal Order — a customer has renewed a subscription;
- Change Order — a customer has purchased or refused additional resources;
- Switch Order - a customer has switched from one to another Plan.
- Status — one of the following statuses of the order:
- Waiting for payment — an order has been placed by a customer, the payment is expected;
- Provisioning — an order has been accepted, the service is provided;
- Provisioning failed — an order has been accepted, but the service is not provided;
- Completed — an order has been successfully processed;
- Cancelled — an order has been cancelled by a customer.
- Account — a name of account, which ordered the subscription;
- Discount — an amount of the discount;
- Total — a total cost of the order;
- Promo code - a promo code, if it has been used (see Managing Promo Codes);
- Requester IP - a user IP address, which created the order.
- Provisioning item - the list of subscriptions and additional resources that were included in the order:
- ID - a unique identification number of the item;
- Description - a short description of the item. You can use this link to see the item details (see Viewing Application Template's details);
- Status - current status of the item.
- Charge - the List of Charges which were created for the Order:
- ID — a unique identification number of the Charge;
- Description — detailed information about the Charge;
- Quantity — a total quantity of the ordered resources;
- Duration — a period of using the Service;
- Unit Price — a price of the unit of the Service;
- Discount — an amount of the discount;
- Amount — an amount of the charge;
On this page you can perform the following operations: