Viewing and Updating Product information

To view and update the Product information in ActivePlatform:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Products > Products on the Navigation Bar. The workspace displays the Products page (see Viewing the List of Products).
  3. Click the ID or Name of the Product that should be updated. The page of the selected Product opens. The page has following tabs:
    1. General - contains general information about Product;
    2. Plans — contains a list of Product Plans (see Viewing a list of Product Plans);
    3. Market Info — contains marketing information about Product;
    4. Screenshots - contains Product screenshots;
    5. Videos - contains links to the Product videos;
    6. Documentation - contains links to the Product documentation;
    7. Benefits - contains description of the Product benefits;
    8. Support - contains information about Product support;
    9. Log - contains a history of operations with the Product (see Viewing the Event Log).

  4. Make required changes in Product information. Changing Product information is similar to submitting the information when creating a new Product (see Creating a Product).
  5. Click the Save button on the Top bar.