Managing Invoices
An Invoice is a financial document, which is issued to an Account, indicating the provided Services. When an Account used several Services that have the same Billing day (see Creating a Service Term), a single Invoice is generated for all these Services.
There are two types of Invoices, depending on the Account charging model:
- Invoices for the Prepay charging model.
- Invoices for the Postpay charging model.
Both types of Invoices contain:
- Charges (see Viewing the List of Charges) for the Services, the close dates of which are within the previous Billing period.
- Subscriptions that were used in the previous Billing period.
- Corrections that were marked for including in the Invoice and were approved during the previous Billing period (see Managing Corrections).
Invoices are issued to Accounts after the end of the Billing period, in which Services were used. The date of the Invoice issuing is the second day of the next Billing period. Invoices use the default language of the Operator Control Panel for a Reseller.
Specific aspects of the Invoices for the Prepay charging model
Invoices for the Prepay charging model are generated for the Services that were used in the previous Billing period and are already paid. Invoices for the Prepay charging model are used to inform an Account about the Subscriptions used, Charges closed, and Corrections approved in the previous Billing period (see Charges, Managing Corrections).
Specific aspects of the Invoices for the Postpay charging model
Invoices for the Postpay charging model are generated for the Services that were used in the previous Billing period and are yet to be paid. Therefore, beside the information on the Charges and Corrections, Invoices of these type include information about the used Subscriptions and Payments for these Subscriptions, which have to completed.
Invoices for the Postpay charging model are used to:
- Link Subscriptions and Payments for these Subscriptions.
- Inform an Account about:
- Subscriptions that were used in the previous Billing period (see Managing Subscriptions).
- Charges for the used Subscriptions (see Charges).
- Corrections that were marked to be included in the Invoice and that were approved during the previous Billing period (see Managing Corrections).
- Payment that is linked to the Invoice (see Managing Payments).
Invoices for the Postpay charging model are linked with the special type of Payments - the Payment for Balance topping up to pay for rendered services (see Managing Payments). Any other Payments types can not be linked to the Invoices for the Postpay charging model.
When the Payment, which is linked to the Invoice, is not completed within the Payment expiration period, all the Subscriptions that are linked to the Invoice receive the Blocked status (see Blocking of a Subscription).
After the expired Payment has been completed, all Subscriptions linked to the Invoice are automatically activated (see Blocking of the Subscription).
Operations with Invoices
The following operations with the Invoices are available:
- Viewing the List of Invoices
- Viewing details of the Invoice for the Prepay charging model
- Viewing details of the Invoice for the Postpay charging model
- Saving an Invoice to a local computer
- Resending an Invoice
- Paying for the Subscriptions that are linked to the Invoice for the Postpay charging model
- Managing Invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system