Managing Invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system
By default, ActivePlatform itself manages Invoices for the Postpay model (see Specific aspects of the Invoices for the Postpay charging model in Managing Invoices).
To activate external management of Invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- On the Navigation Bar, go to System Settings (see Navigation). The General tab of the System Settings page is displayed.
- In the Document ID formats group, select the External system generates Invoices checkbox.
- Click Update.
When external management of Invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system is activated, the following logic is used for paying for postpaid services:
- On the Billing day, the platform closes all blocked Charges for the previous Billing period.
- On the next day:
- The status of the Invoice for the Postpay model changes from Open to Closed.
A linked Payment is created in the Waiting for payment status and with the empty Due date (see Viewing the list of Payments).
A Payment is created in the Waiting for payment status and with empty Due date cannot be paid or approved.
A third-party ERP system generates an invoice and via the API service approves the Invoice for the Postpay model and sets the Due date in the linked Payment (see Approve postpaid invoice). The PDF file of the generated third-party invoice is attached to the Payment, if applicable.
The platform matches a third-party invoice and Invoice for the Postpay model using the start date of the Billing period. If a third-party ERP system did not attach to the Payment a third-party invoice, the platform generates the standard PDF form for the Invoice for the Postpay model.
An Invoice for the Postpay model is considered as approved if only the linked Payment has the Due date.
- After a customer paid for the third-party invoice, the third-party ERP system via the API service approves the Payment (see Complete postpaid invoice). The Payment gets the Completed status. Optionally, a Manager can approve the Payment manually in the Operator Control Panel (see Processing a Payment linked to an invoice issued by a third-party ERP system).