Processing a Payment linked to an invoice issued by a third-party ERP system

When external management of Invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system is activated (see Managing Invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system), all operations with invoices issued by a third-party ERP system, Invoices for the Postpay model, and linked Payments are supposed to be performed automatically via the API service (see Complete a postpaid Invoice of a Reseller Account). However, if a third-party ERP system failed to complete the Payment linked to an approved Invoice for the Postpay model, a Manager can do that manually.

If a Payment linked to an unapproved Invoice for the Postpay model, the Due date is empty and the Payment cannot be paid or approved.

To approve a Payment linked to an invoice issued by a third-party ERP system:

  1. Sign in to Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Payments (see Navigation). The list of Payments is displayed (see Viewing the list of Payments).
  3. Click the ID or Payment Number of the required Payment in the Waiting for payment or Expired status. The Payment details page is displayed (see Viewing Payment details).
  4. Click Approve without selecting any Payment method.
  5. In the confirmation window, click Confirm. The Payment will be approved and get the Completed status.