Manually issuing a promo code to the Customer

A Manager can manually issue a promo code for a Customer without ordering a paid Subscription for a Promo Vendor Plan. To issue a promo code manually:

  1. Create and configure a Promo Vendor (see Creating a Promo Vendor). If the required Promo Vendor is already configured, then go to the next step.
  2. Create a Plan (see Creating a Plan) with the following settings:
    • On the Plan information step:
      • In the Name field type an arbitrary Plan name;
      • Clear the Public checkbox;
      • Select a Plan class including the necessary Account type;
      • In the Renew point (days) field type 0.
    • On the Plan Application Templates step click Next without selecting any Application Template:
    • On the Plan Resources step click Next;
    • On the Plan Periods step:
      • Clear the Endless checkbox;
      • In the Duration field type 1 and in the Duration drop down list box select day(s);
      • Clear the Trial checkbox;
      • In the Setup Fee, Recurring Fee/Month, Transfer Fee and Renewal Fee fields type 0.
    • On the Plan Confirmation step:
      • Check information about the Plan;
      • Click Confirm to create the Plan.
  3. Add the created Plan to the Promo Vendor Plans (see Viewing and updating the list of Promo Vendor Plans).
  4. For the required Account order a Subscription to the created Plan (see Ordering a Subscription at the Plan prices).