Creating a Promo Vendor

To create a Promo Vendor:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar go to Promo Vendors (see Navigation). The list of Promo Vendors is displayed (see Viewing the list of Promo Vendors).
  3. Click the Create button on the Toolbar. The Create A New Promo Vendor page appears.

  4. Fill in the following information about a Promo Vendor:
    • Promo Vendor Name - type the name of the Promo Vendor.
    • Description - type the additional information about the Promo Vendor.
    • Logo - click Choose file to upload a logo for the Promo Vendor.
  5. Click Create. New Promo Vendor is created and displayed on the List of Promo Vendors (see Viewing the list of Promo Vendors).

    New Promo Vendor is created with the inactive status. After completing the configuration (see step 6) the Promo Vendor should be activated (see Activating a Promo Vendor).

    A Customer is provided with a promo code if all the following conditions are met:

  6. After the Promo Vendor is created it is necessary to: