Creating a Service Term

After creating a new Service Term, it is automatically delegated to all downstream Resellers. Service Terms created for Plans from Vendor Portal are not automatically delegated to downstream Resellers (see Synchronization of Products and Plans between Vendor Portal and ActivePlatform).

To create a new Service Term:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Service Terms (Navigation). The list of Service Terms is displayed (see Viewing the List of Service Terms).
  3. On the Toolbar, click Create. The New Service Term page is displayed.
  4. In the Service term information group:
    1. In the Name field, enter the name of the Service Term.
    2. In the Key field, enter the key of the Service Term. Only lowercase characters, numbers, and underscores are allowed.

      The key is used for synchronizing Service Terms among Vendors, Distributors, and Resellers that have delegated Plans, so the key must be unique.

      On the upstream Reseller level, for a new Service Term, it is possible to specify only the Key value that is not used in Service Terms of all downstream Resellers.

  5. In the Payment creation group:
    1. In the Billing day field, enter the day of the month when Charges (see Charges) change their statuses. This field can be set from 1 to 28 representing the day of the month. 

      Invoices (see Managing Invoices) will be created on the next day after the Billing day.

      When an Account has several Subscriptions with different Billing days, several Invoices will be created.

    2. Select the 

  6. In the Renewal settings group:

    1. In the Manual renew point (days) field, enter the default value for the following cases:

      • Number of days before the Subscription expiration date, when the Renew button and manual renewing for the Subscription become available (see Manual renewing of a Subscription).

      • Number of days before the Paid to date, when the Prolong button and manual prolonging for the Subscription become available (see Prolonging a Subscription).

        To make manual renewing (prolonging) of a Subscription available for the whole Subscription period, enter -1.

        To make manual renewing (prolonging) of a Subscription completely unavailable, enter 0.

    2. In the Auto-renew point (days) field, enter the default value for the following cases:

      • Number of days before the Subscription expiration date when a Renewal Order is automatically created (see Renewing a Subscription).

      • Number of days before the Paid to date, when a Prolong Order is automatically created (see Prolonging a Subscription).

        To avoid automatic creating of Renewal Orders (Prolong Orders) in advance, enter 0. The Orders will be created in the expiration date (the Paid to date) of a Subscription respectively.

      The Manual renew point cannot be less than the Auto-renew point, but if the Manual renew point is -1, the validation is not performed.

      The Manual renew point and Auto-renew point, can be redefined on the Subscription level (see Viewing and updating Subscription's details).

    3. In the Grace period field, enter the number of days after the ending of the Subscription period when the Subscription will continue work without payment.
    4. In the Stop period field, enter the number of days after the end of the Grace period when the Subscription will be stopped. The Subscription is deleted when the Stop period ends.

  7. Account Type (see Account Types) order Plans based on this Service Term.

  8. Click Create. The Service Term will be created.