Splitting of charges when a subscription is deleted

This article covers the Prepay model only. For the Postpay model, see Particular aspects of charges within the Postpay charging model.

When a subscription is deleted, the platform performs the following actions:

  1. Delete a charge for the current billing period of the subscription usage.
  2. Create and close a charge for the actual period of subscription usage in the current billing period:
    • Period: from the start of the current billing period to the date of the subscription deleting.
    • Close date: the date of the subscription deleting.
    • Amount: proportional to the actual subscription usage period in the current billing period, taking into account the actual number of days in a month (see Charges default attributes).
  3. Delete charges for the future billing periods.

An example below displays the charges splitting when a subscription with the Monthly Reservation billing type (see Monthly Reservation. Charges generation) is deleted.