Automatic currency rate update from an external source
This section is only available to administrators at the root reseller level. A dedicated service is required to interact with an external currency rate source. To change the currency rate manually, see Managing currency rates.
To configure the parameters for automatic currency rate update:
- Log in to the Operator Control Panel at the root reseller level.
- Go to the Сurrency Exchange Rates Updater section (see Navigation). A page with the parameters of the automatic currency rate update service will be displayed:
- ID — unique identification number of the service.
- Name — name of the service.
- Active — indicates the status of automatic currency rate update.
- Last run — date and time when the service was last started, automatically or manually.
- Control buttons.
- Set the service operation mode:
- To enable automatic currency rate update, click Activate in the line with the service name. Currency rates will be updated according to the schedule.
- To disable automatic currency rate update, click Deactivate.
- If you need to start the update process immediately, click Run. The restart will be available after the current update process is completed.
You can check the results of automatic currency rate update by comparing the Updated at date of each currency rate or going to its Log section (see Managing currency rates).