Creating a connector based on an APS package

In the current version, support of services based on APS packages is limited.

To create a connector based on an APS package:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Go to Connectors (see Navigation). The list of connectors is displayed (see Viewing the list of connectors).
  3. Click Create. The New Connector page is displayed.
  4. In the Plugin list, select Aps plugin.

  5. Click Next. The page for entering information about the connector is displayed.

  6. In the Name field, enter the name of the connector.
  7. If necessary, select the following checkboxes:
    • Allow user creation — to activate creating mailboxes and adding a user at the same time.
    • Auto-domain generation — to allow creating a free test domain for a new Subscription.
    • Mail hosting — to create a mail service for a new Subscription.
    •  — to create a web hosting for a new Subscription.
  8. If necessary, enter additional information:
    1. In the Description field, enter information that will be displayed to customers in the Customer Control Panel.
    2. To choose the icon for the connector, click the Choose File button. This logo will be displayed to customers in the Customer Control Panel.
  9. In the Package version list, select the version of the APS package that will be used for the connector.
  10. Click Create. The connector will be displayed in the list.