Placeholders for the Reseller entity

The following placeholders are used for the Reseller entity.

reseller.idThe ID of a reseller
reseller.nameThe name of a reseller

Additional attributes of a reseller that can be used in notifications for specifying custom URLs for logos and the short and full name of a reseller. In the placeholder, the key of an additional attribute is specified. For example: reseller.custom_attributes['vendor_logo_url'] or reseller.custom_attributes['vendor_short_name'] 

See Creating a new reseller for examples of additional attributes of a reseller and their keys

reseller.managers_emailsThe list of emails of all managers of a reseller
reseller.managers_admin_emailsThe list of emails of all managers with the System administrator role (see Managers' roles) of a reseller linked to an account via an order or subscription. Specified in the To field of an email template
reseller.logoThe main logotype for the Customer Control Panel (see Uploading reseller's logos)
reseller.inverted_logoThe inverted logotype for the Operator Control Panel (see Uploading reseller's logos)
reseller.short_logoThe short logotype for the registration and authorization page (see Uploading reseller's logos)
reseller.faviconThe favicon (see Uploading reseller's logos)
reseller.stampThe stamp image (see Uploading reseller's logos)