Daily analytics
In the Cost overview subsection, you can explore the daily costs on the following levels:
- Subscription — costs distribution by resources (resource categories) of a pay-as-you-go subscription.
- Resource category — costs distribution by resources of a resource category. Available only if the pay-as-you-go subscription's consumption data contains resource category information.
In this article:
Analytics for a single pay-as-you-go subscription
To view daily analytics for a single pay-as-you-go subscription:
- In the navigation menu, select Analytics > Cost overview. A page with data for the default filters is displayed.
- Select the required subscription by doing any of the following:
- In the Subscriptions list, select the required pay-as-you-go subscription.
- Select the required pay-as-you-go subscription in the doughnut chart with all subscriptions:
- In the General cost structure doughnut chart with all subscriptions, click the sector that represents the required subscription. The context menu is displayed.
- In the context menu, select Go to subscription analytics.
In the Granularity list, select Daily.
In the Period list, select the period for the displayed data:
If the selected interval includes a billing period that is not yet closed, a message is displayed stating that the data is preliminary and subject to change.
- Current billing period — default.
Previous billing period.
Custom billing period — a period of up to 3 consequent billing periods limited by the billing days. To select a custom billing period:
- In the Period field, click the dates range. The calendar with the list of months is displayed.
- Click the first month of the required period. The selected month is highlighted.
- Click the last month of the required period. The months within the period are highlighted.
- In the calendar, click OK. In the Period field, the dates of the selected billing period are displayed as "First month YYYY — Last month YYYY".
Custom calendar period — a period of up to 3 consequent months. To select a custom calendar period:
- In the Period field, click the dates range. The calendar with the list of days is displayed.
- Click the first day of the required period. The selected day is highlighted.
- Click the last day of the required period. The period within the days is highlighted.
- In the calendar, click OK. In the Period field, the dates of the selected billing period are displayed.
- Wait until the data is loaded and displayed.
The cost structure for the selected subscription of an account is displayed in the following sections:
Resource categories are displayed only if the consumption data includes this information. Otherwise, only resource data is available.
General cost structure — a doughnut chart where each segment shows the proportional value of costs per resource (resource category). The segments have labels with the component names and percentage values.
Cost Dynamics — the cost of the selected subscription for the two previous billing periods and the percentage of the growth rate.
Daily cost structure — a stacked bar chart that displays the dynamics of costs per resource (resource category) for the selected period with daily granularity.
Summary — a table of costs per resource (resource category) for the selected period.
If the data in the table does not fit in width, use horizontal scrolling.
Detected anomalies — a table with information about the consumption spikes the platform detected (if any).
For analytics of a single pay-as-you-go subscription, you can use different filters. By default, the filter group is collapsed. To view and use the filters, click Additional filters and select the required options in the lists:
- Category — analytics for a single resource category, see Monthly analytics.
- Other filters — for details, see the corresponding service in Services. User documentation.
To reset a filter, click in its field. To reset all filters, click Reset.
Filter templates
Additional filters are available depending on the service — for details, see Services. User documentation. You can save frequently used sets of additional filters as templates and then quickly apply them to a pay-as-you-go subscription.
To create a filter template:
- On a pay-as-you-go subscription analytics page, in the Additional filters group, set the additional filters you need.
- Click Save filter template. The New filter template window appears.
- In the Template name field, enter a name (up to 200 characters).
- Check the selected filters and their values.
- Click Save. The filter template will only be available to the current account user.
To apply a filter template to subscription analytics:
- On a pay-as-you-go subscription analytics page, in the Additional filters group, click Select filter template. A list of saved templates is displayed.
- Select the required template. If there are more than 10 templates in the list, you can search by part of its name.
Once you select a template, only those additional filters that match the selected subscription will be applied. Filters on the page remain editable. To reset all filters set by a template, click in its field.
If you need to change the set of filters in a template:
- Select the required filter template.
- Change additional filters. If you reset all additional filters, the template will also be reset and you cannot change it.
- Click Update template.
You can also view a list of all templates for the current user, and rename and delete a template. To do this:
- On a pay-as-you-go subscription analytics page, in the Additional filters group, click in the row with the required filter template. A window appears with a list of all templates for the current user.
- If you need to view filters and their values in a template, click in the row with the required template. A list is expanded with the names of the filters and the values set for each of them.
- If you need to rename a filter template:
- In the row with the required template, click .
- Change the template name.
- Click .
- If you need to delete a filter template, click in the row with the required template.
To use extended reporting tools, see Reports.
You can export the summary of daily analytics of a single pay-as-you-go subscription to a Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) report:
- Set the filters to select the information you need in a report.
- Above the Summary table, click Export.
A file is downloaded automatically. The report name contains the ID and name of the subscription (up to 30 characters), and the selected period in the YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM format.
A report includes the following columns:
- Resource category
- Resource name
- Quantity, units
- Unit
- Price, unit
- Total
- Currency