Create guaranteed payment

You can create one guaranteed payment of a limited amount within a limited period. The period and the maximum amount of a guaranteed payment depend on the service terms of your account set by the reseller. To create a guaranteed payment, you need at least one general payment in the Completed status (see List of payments). A manager can also create an additional guaranteed payment for your account by request.

To create a guaranteed payment:

  1. In the navigation menu, select Billing > Guaranteed payments. The list of guaranteed payments is displayed (see List of guaranteed payments).
  2. Click Create guaranteed payment. A new guaranteed payment page is displayed.
  3. Read the terms of guaranteed payments:
    • The period of a guaranteed payment.
    • The maximum amount of a guaranteed payment.
    • A general payment in the Completed status.
  4. In the Amount field, enter the amount you need to top up your balance.
  5. Click Create payment. A new guaranteed payment in the Provided status is displayed at the top of the list of guaranteed payments.
  6. Check the expiration date of the guaranteed payment. Do not forget to top up your balance before this date (see Top up balance). Otherwise, your account may be blocked and moved to the credit hold due to the debt (see Blocked account).