Viewing the List of Orders

The List of Orders keeps all created Orders. To view the List of orders:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Operations > Orders on the Navigation Bar.

    The Orders page displays the following blocks:
    • Top bar (for more information see Working with the List of Objects) that allows:
      • To find an Order by:
        • Order ID;
        • Order Number;
        • Account name;
      • To filter the list by:
        • Status;
        • Type;
        • Created at — allows to filter the list by period within which Orders were created;
        • Individual price — allows to find all the Subscriptions, for which the individual prices were set.
    • List of Orders with the following columns:
      • ID — the unique identification number of Order in the system;
      • Order Number — a number of the Order (e.g. SO000329), which is configured in the System settings (see System Settings).
      • Account Name — a name of Account, which uses the ordered Subscription;
      • Type — one of the following types of Order:
        • Sales Order — a customer has ordered services;
        • Renewal Order — a customer has renewed a Subscription;
        • Change Order — a customer has purchased or refused additional Resources;
        • Switch Order - a customer has switched from one Plan to another.
      • Status — one of the following statuses of the Order:
        • Waiting for payment — an Order has been placed by a customer, the payment is expected;
        • Provisioning — an Order has been accepted, the service is provided;
        • Provisioning failed — an Order has been accepted, but the service is not provided;
        • Completed — an Order has been successfully processed;
        • Cancelled — an Order has been cancelled by a customer.
      • Discount — an amount of discount;
      • Total — a total cost of the Order;
      • Order Date — a date and time of the Order creation:
      • Updated At — a date and time of the last changes in the Order;
      • Closed At - a date and time when the Order got the Completed or Cancelled status.

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