Viewing the List of Plans

To view the List of Plans:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Products > Plans on the Navigation Bar.

    The Workspace displays the following blocks:
    • Top bar (see Working with the List of Objects). Top bar allows:
      • to find a Plan by:
        • ID.
        • Name.
      • to sort the Plans list by:
        • Status.
        • Plan Category.
        • Product.
      • to create a new Plan
      • to export the list of Plans (see Exporting Plans).
      • to import the list of Plans (see Importing the List of Plans).
    • List of Plans with the following columns:
      • ID — a unique identification number of the Plan.
      • Name — a name of the Plan.
      • Delegated — an indication if the Plan was delegated by upline Reseller (see Managing Resellers).
      • Billing type — a billing type of the Plan (see Plan Information).
      • Plan Category — a name of the Plan Category (see Managing Plan Categories).
      • Product - a link to the Plan Product (see Managing Product).
      • Count — a number of Subscriptions to the Plan.
      • Singleton - an indication if it is possible for an Account to have several active Subscriptions to the Plan
      • Public — an indication if the Plan is available for sale.
      • Status — the Plan status:
        • active - the Plan is available for customers.
        • inactive - the Plan is not available for customers.
        • deactivated by provider - the  Plan was deactivated by upline Reseller.