Viewing and updating Subscription prices

On the Subscription page, it is possible to view all prices applied to the Subscription, including the automatic markup (see Price List), Plan Periods and Plan Resources prices. For Subscriptions ordered at the individual prices (see Ordering a Subscription at the individual prices), it is also possible to update the individual prices of the Plan Periods and Plan Resources.

This is the only possible option for updating prices in Subscriptions ordered at the individual prices for the endless period because for the endless period, the standard logic of renewing and applying new prices for a new period (see Renewing a Subscription) is not available.

In this article:

Viewing the prices of a Subscription ordered at the Plan prices

To view all prices applied to a Subscription ordered at the Plan prices:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Subscriptions (see Navigation). The list of Subscriptions is displayed (see Viewing the list of Subscriptions).

  3. Click the ID or Name of the required Subscription. The Subscription details page is displayed (see Viewing and updating Subscription's details).
  4. Go to the Price List tab.
    The Price List tab includes the following elements:
    • The Subscription group — a table with the following elements:
      • Fixed price — the indicator that the Subscription prices were fixed at the moment of the Subscription order as they were specified in the Plan (for the Fixed price logic description, see Plan Information).
      • Price Type — the following value is displayed: Automatic markup.
      • Plan Markup — value of the automatic markup that is set for the Plan in the Price list (see Price List). If the automatic markup is not set, the following value is displayed: is not set. If the individual prices are applied to the Subscription, the value in the field is displayed in strikethrough.

    • The Periods group — a table with the following elements:
      • Duration Plan Period duration. It is a link to the Plan Period page (see Updating Plan Periods).
      • Fee Type — the list of fee types with non-zero amounts for the Plan Period. The list may include any of the following items:
        • Setup fee (one-time) 
        • Recurring fee (monthly)
        • Renewal fee (one-time)

      • Net Cost — net costs of the listed fees that are set for the Plan Period on the upstream Reseller level.
      • Retail Price — fee amounts for the Plan Period that are set in the Plan and take into account the Fixed price attribute value of the Subscription.
      • Subscription Period (months) — Plan Period duration in months with up to three decimal places.
      • Amount For Subscription Period — fee amounts for the Plan Period for the whole Plan Period duration:
        • Recurring fee (monthly) — calculated as Retail Price multiplied by Subscription Period (months).
        • Setup fee (one-time) — equal to Retail Price.
        • Renewal fee (one-time) — equal to Retail Price.
        •  — equal to Retail Price.

      The Periods group is not displayed if all Plan Periods of a Subscription have zero fees.

    • The Resources group — a table with the following elements:
      • Name Plan Resource name. The following template is used: {resource name} (min.: {minimum}, max.: {limit}), where:
        • {resource name} — Plan Resource name. It is a link to the Plan Resource page (см. Updating Plan Resources).
        • {minimum} — value in the Minimum filed on the Plan Resource page.
        • {limit} — value in the Limit field on the Plan Resource page.
          For Plan Resources with the unlimited units, the following template is used: {resource name} (unlimited).
      • Fee Type — the list of fee types with non-zero amounts for the Plan Resource:
        • Setup fee (one-time) 
        • Recurring fee (monthly)

        • Renewal fee (one-time)
        • Unit fee
      • Net Cost — net costs of the listed fees that are set for the Plan Resource on the upstream Reseller level.
      • Retail Price — fee amounts for the Plan Resource that are set in the Plan and take into account the Fixed price attribute value of the Subscription.
      • Subscription Period (months) — Plan Period duration in months with up to three decimal places.
      • Amount For Subscription Period — fee amounts for the Plan Resource for the whole Plan Period duration:
        • Recurring fee (monthly) — calculated as Retail Price multiplied by Subscription Period (months).
        • Setup fee (one-time) — equal to Retail Price.
        • Renewal fee (one-time) — equal to Retail Price.

      The Resources group is not displayed if all Plan Resources of a Subscription have zero fees.

Viewing and updating the prices of a Subscription ordered at the individual prices

Viewing the prices of a Subscription ordered at the individual prices is similar to a Subscription ordered at the Plan prices with the following specifics:

  • The Plan Price column is displayed with the values of fees set in the Plan.
  • The values in the Plan Markup and Plan Price columns are displayed in strikethrough.
  • Instead of the Retail Price column, the Individual Price column is displayed with the values of individual prices applied to the Subscription.

To update the prices of a Subscription ordered at the individual prices:

  1. In the Individual Price column, enter the new value of a fee in the Plan currency.
  2. Click Apply.
  • All new prices will be applied only for new Charges of a Subscription (see Charges for the Subscriptions with different billing types).
  • If a Subscription has the non-endless period, the final prices will be determined using the Subscription renew settings parameter of the Subscription (see Ordering a Subscription at the individual prices). The corresponding message is displayed on clicking the Apply button.
  • For the following Fee types, the individual prices cannot be set: Setup fee (one-time), Renewal fee (one-time),