Approving a payment

Approving a payment manually via the Operator Control Panel is required when a customer uses the check/cash or bank transfer payment methods because in this case, payments are not completed automatically. You can approve payments in the Waiting for payment or Expired statuses.

For approving a payment linked to a postpaid invoice issued by a third-party ERP system, see Processing a payment linked to an invoice issued by a third-party ERP system.

To approve a payment:

  1. Go to Payments (see Navigation). The list of payments is displayed (see Viewing the list of payments).
  2. Click the ID or number of the required payment in the Waiting for payment or Expired status. The payment details page is displayed (see Viewing payment details).
  3. In the Payment methods group, select the required payment method.
  4. Click Approve. The payment is approved and gets the Completed status.