Processing a payment that requires manual receipt creation

When the bank transfer or cash payment method is selected to complete a payment in the Operator Control Panel (see Creating a payment manually) or Customer Control Panel (see Проведение Платежа):

  1. An account Owner receives instructions on the payment process and a notification about the manual creation of a receipt.

    To send notifications (see Notification configuration) that a receipt has to be created manually:

    1. Create a notification template for the notification content (see Managing notification templates).
    2. Create and configure an event handler to send notifications (see Managing event handlers).
  2. A manager receives information about the account that needs a receipt.
  3. The payment gets the Receipt creating status.
  4. A manager creates a receipt manually and sends it to the account Owner.
  5. A manager changes the payment status to Receipt sent (see Changing the payment status to Receipt sent).
  6. The account owner receives the receipt and pays.
  7. A manager receives the payment confirmation and completes the payment (see Confirming that the manually created receipt has been paid).