Viewing and updating a tax

In this article:

Viewing a tax

To view a tax:

  1. Go to Taxes (see Navigation). The list of taxes is displayed (see Viewing the list of taxes).
  2. Click the ID or name of the required tax. The tax details page is displayed.
    The page includes the following tabs:
    • General — information about the tax, similar to the tax creation page (see Creating a tax). The tab also includes the Delegated attribute of the tax:
      • Yes — the tax is delegated from the upstream reseller and read-only.
      • No — the tax is created on the current reseller level and can be edited.
    • Log — the history of the tax operations (see Viewing an object log).

Updating a tax

It is not possible to edit a tax if it is delegated from the upstream reseller (Delegated = Yes).

To update a tax:

  1. On the General tab, edit the required parameters (see Creating a tax).
  2. Click Update. The changes are applied on the current reseller level and all downstream reseller levels.

Deleting a tax

It is not possible to delete a tax if it is delegated from the upstream reseller (Delegated = Yes).

To delete a tax, on the General tab, click Delete and confirm the action. The tax is deleted on the current reseller level and all downstream reseller levels. Charges that are already generated with the tax applied do not change.