Creating a Subscription discount

To create a Subscription discount:

  1. Go to Discounts (see Navigation). The list of discounts is displayed (see Viewing the list of discounts).
  2. Click Create. The New Discount page is displayed.
  3. In the Discount information group:
    1. In the Name field, enter the discount name. Non-unique names can be used.
    2. In the Type list, select Subscription.
    3. In the Percentage field, enter the discount amount as a percentage. The discount amount must be greater than 0 and not exceed 100. The discount amount may have up to two decimal places.

    4. Optionally, in the From and To fields, enter the period of the discount.

  4. In the Limits group:
    1. In the Account list, select the required account that can use the discount.
    2. In the Plan list, select the required plan to which the discount can be applied.

      After creating a Subscription discount, it is not possible to change the selected account and plan. After applying, a Subscription discount becomes also linked to a subscription.

  5. Click Create. The new discount is created and displayed in the list.

For operations available for discounts of all types, see Managing a discount.