Viewing task details

The Tasks section is available only to the root reseller of the installation.

To view the task details:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel on the root reseller level.
  2. Go to Tasks (see Navigation).
  3. Click the ID or description of the required task. The task details page is displayed.

The task details page includes the following tabs:

  • General — the task details and its status:
    • ID — the unique identification number of the task.
    • Name — the task name.
    • Created at — the date and time when the task is created.
    • Status — one of the following statuses of a task:
      • Scheduled — a task is in the queue.
      • Running — a task is performed.
      • Unsuccessful — a task is failed.
      • Completed — a task is successfully processed.
      • Cancelled — a task is cancelled.
  • Task Log — the history of performing the task (see Viewing an object log).