Ordering a subscription with the Pay as you go (internal) billing type

For a subscription with the Pay as you go (internal) billing type, the resource consumption statistics is used for charging a customer. The resource consumption data is retrieved from the service side on a regular basis, but the resource prices are stored locally. For more information about charges, see Pay as you go. Charges generation. The actual algorithm of calculating the resource consumption depends on the service (see Services. Operator Guide).

Ordering a subscription with the Pay as you go (internal) billing type is similar to ordering a subscription at the plan prices (see Ordering a subscription at the plan prices) and the individual prices (see Ordering a subscription at the individual prices) with the following specifics:

  1. The Resources group includes a table with the following columns:
    • Name — the name of a resource as a link to the resource details page.
      • min — the minimum quantity of a resource that can be ordered.
      • max — the maximum quantity of a resource that can be ordered.
    • Quota — the quantity of a resource that will be available for consuming within the subscription.

      After ordering a subscription, the quota cannot be changed because changing the quantity of resources is not available for subscriptions with the Pay as you go (internal) billing type

    • Fee type — the type of charges applied to a resource. For a subscription with the Pay as you go (internal) billing type, the fee type is Unit fee.
    • Price — the amount of a fee.
    • Plan price — the price and currency set in the plan for a resource.
    • Individual price — displayed for ordering a subscription at the individual prices (see Ordering a subscription at the individual prices).
  2. On the order confirmation page:
    • The order details include the Purchasing subscription item only.
    • No information about resources and quotas is displayed.
    • The total amount is always equal to 0.
  3. The subscription provisioning process starts immediately after the order confirmation, regardless of the payment model.